Writing as: T. M. Parris

According to the bio on her website: "My name’s Tracey Parris and I live in Brighton on the south coast of the UK. I’ve been a market researcher and data geek, an English language teacher, a player of the flute, trumpet and Irish whistle (not at the same time), a marathon runner, a baker of fine cakes and a local councillor here in Brighton and Hove.

I’ve been writing since 2011 and had a couple of short stories published online. The Clarke and Fairchild series, my first self-publishing venture, is a result of my fascination with international travel and the moral ambiguities of the world of politics.

I’ve been lucky enough to have travelled a lot, particularly in Asia and Europe. I’ve visited most of the places featured in the series. I had the idea for the character of John Fairchild in a moment of homesickness wandering the streets of Beijing, when I really, really wished someone was around who spoke the language!"

Series Books
Clarke & Fairchild Reborn (2020)
  Moscow Honey (2020)
  Trade Winds (2020)
  Crusader (2020)
  The Secret Meaning Of Blossom (2021)
  The Colours (2021)
  Spies Without Borders (2022)
  The Show (2023)