Writing as: T. R. Kohler, Dustin Stevens

According to the bio on his website: "I originally hail from the midwest, growing up in the heart of farm country, and still consider it, along with West Tennessee, my co-home. Between the two, I have a firm belief that football is the greatest of all past-times, sweet tea is really the only acceptable beverage for any occasion, there is not an event on earth that either gym shorts or boots can't be worn to, and that Dairy Queen is the best restaurant on the planet. Further, southern accents are a highly likeable feature on most everybody, English bulldogs sit atop the critter hierarchy, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with a Saturday night spent catfishing at the lake.

Since leaving the midwest I've been to college in New England, grad school in the Rockies, and lived in over a dozen different cities ranging from DC to Honolulu along the way. Each and every one of these experiences has shaped who I am at this point, a fact I hope is expressed in my writing. I have developed enormous affinity for locales and people of every size and shape, and even if I never figure out a way to properly convey them on paper, I am very much grateful for their presence in my life."

Series Books
T. R. Kohler
Other Shoot to Wound (2017)
  The Ring (2017)
  Peeping Thoms (2017)
  The Hunter (2019)
Dustin Stevens
Hawk Tate Cold Fire (2015)
  Cover Fire (2015)
  Fire And Ice (2016)
  Hellfire (2018)
  Home Fire (2018)
  Wild Fire (2019)
  Friendly Fire (2021)
  Catching Fire (2022)
  Forest Fire (2024)
  Signal Fire (2024)
Other Number Four (2010)
  Just A Game (2012)
  Zombie Kill (2012)
  21 Hours (2012)
  The Zoo Crew [Zoo Crew] (2012)
  Dead Peasants [Zoo Crew] (2013)
  Twelve (2013)
  Liberation Day (2013)
  Ohana (2013)
  Catastrophic (2013)
  Scars and Stars (2013)
  Tracer [Zoo Crew] (2013)
  Motive (2014)
  Krokodil (2014)
  Quarterback (2014)
  Be My Eyes (2014)
  Going Viral (2015)
  The Boat Man [Reed & Billie] (2015)
  The Glue Guy [Zoo Crew] (2015)
  The Debt (2016)
  The Kid [Reed & Billie] (2016)
  The Good Son [Reed & Billie] (2016)
  Moonblink [Zoo Crew] (2016)
  One Last Day (2017)
  The Subway (2017)
  The Partnership [Reed & Billie] (2017)
  Fair Trade [My Mira Saga] (2018)
  Office Visit [My Mira Saga] (2018)
  Spare Change [My Mira Saga] (2018)
  The Exchange[Hobby Lobby] (2018)
  Danny the Daydreamer...Visits the Old West! [Danny the Daydreamer] (2018)
  Danny the Daydreamer ... Goes to the Grammy's! [Danny the Daydreamer] (2018)
  The Scorekeeper [Reed & Billie] (2018)
  Justice [Reed & Billie] (2018)
  Even [Ham] (2019)
  Ham [Ham] (2019)
  Ships Passing [My Mira Saga] (2019)
  The Bear [Reed & Billie] (2019)
  Decisions (2020)
  Four (2020)
  Warning Shot [My Mira Saga] (2020)
  The Driver [Reed & Billie] (2020)
  The Shuffle [Zoo Crew] (2020)