Writing as: Thom Tate

According to the bio on Amazon: "Thom is an emerging author in the Spy Thriller genre. He is the author of the 5 book anthology "Covert-World". The series is made up of five novellas; Czechmate, Meltdown, The 4th Strike, Intercept, and Red Storm. He has published his first full-length novel Spear Garden in December 2015. The Covert-World series is available in eBook and Spear Garden is available on paperback.

Thom resides in north Georgia with his wife and two children"

Series Books
Blake MacKay Spear Garden (2012)
  Czechmate (2012)
  Meltdown (2012)
  The 4th Strike (2012)
  Intercept (2013)
  Red Storm (2014)
  The Auroral Contingency (2024)