1875 - 1932

Writing as: Edgar Wallace

According to Wikipedia: "Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1 April 1875 – 10 February 1932) was an English writer.

Born into poverty as an illegitimate London child, Wallace left school at age 12. He joined the army at age 21 and was a war correspondent during the Second Boer War, for Reuters and the Daily Mail. Struggling with debt, he left South Africa, returned to London, and began writing thrillers to raise income, publishing books including The Four Just Men (1905). Drawing on his time as a reporter in the Congo, covering the Belgian atrocities, Wallace serialised short stories in magazines such as The Windsor Magazine and later published collections such as Sanders of the River (1911). He signed with Hodder and Stoughton in 1921 and became an internationally recognised author.

After an unsuccessful bid to stand as Liberal MP for Blackpool (as one of David Lloyd George's Independent Liberals) in the 1931 general election, Wallace moved to Hollywood, where he worked as a script writer for RKO studios. He died suddenly from undiagnosed diabetes, during the initial drafting of King Kong (1933).

Wallace was such a prolific writer that one of his publishers claimed that a quarter of all books in England were written by him. As well as journalism, Wallace wrote screen plays, poetry, historical non-fiction, 18 stage plays, 957 short stories, and over 170 novels, 12 in 1929 alone. More than 160 films have been made of Wallace's work. He is remembered for the creation of King Kong, as a writer of 'the colonial imagination', for the J. G. Reeder detective stories, and for The Green Archer serial. He sold over 50 million copies of his combined works in various editions, and The Economist describes him as "one of the most prolific thriller writers of [the 20th] century", although few of his books are still in print in the UK."

Series Books
John Dudley Frazer The Rescue of Elsie Brice From Germany (1918)
  The German Navy Changes Its Code (1918)
  The Invasion That Failed (1918)
  An Air Raid On Cologne (1918)
  A Prisoner In Germany (1918)
  The Poison Gang (1918)
  The War Lord (1918)
  The Man From Dresden (1918)
  The Conversion of Minna Schumacher (1918)
  The Last Trip To Germany. The End of the Z1. (1918)
  The Last Trip To Germany. The Armistice (1918)
  The Secret Service Submarine (2015)
Major Haynes The Going of Heine (1918)
  Ten Divisions And A Red-Haired Girl (1918)
  The Disappearance Of Lady Mary Bretley (Getting Even With A Hun) (1918)
  The Elusive Sweizer (Face To Face With The Master-Spy) (1918)
  The Question Of Hora Da Silva (The Mysterious Mrs Da Silva) (1918)
  The Treasure House Of The Prussian King (The Search For The Kaiser' Secret Treasure House) (1918)
  Unmasking A Peace Plot (The Great Peace Plot) (1918)
  The Berman Iron Book (A Beautiful Spy's Amazing Revenge) (1918)
  Sunk Without Trace (1918)
  The Missing Hohenzollern (1918)
  Major Haynes And The Princess (Deporting A Princess) (1918)
  The Invasion That Failed (1918)
  The Last Trip To Germany. The End of the Z1. (1918)
  The Syren (1918)
  The World Dictator (1918)
  The Passing of Heine (1918)
  The Jermyn Credit Bank (1918)
  The Grey Envelope (1918)
  The Murderers (1918)
  The Affair of the Allied Conference (1918)
  The Affair of Mister Haynes (1918)
  The Coming of the Bolsheviks (1918)
  The Secret Service Submarine (1919)
  Major Haynes of the Secret Service (1919)
  The Adventures of Heine (1919)
Heine The Grey Envelope (1918)
  The Syren (1918)
  The World Dictator (1918)
  Brethren of the Order (1918)
  The U-Boat Adventure (1918)
  The Passing of Heine (1918)
  The Jermyn Credit Bank (1918)
  Mr. Collingrey, M.P., Pacifist (1918)
  The Coming of the Bolsheviks (1918)
  The Going of Heine (1918)
  The Word of a Prince (1918)
  The Affair of the Allied Conference (1918)
  The Affair of Mister Haynes (1918)
  The Man from the Stars (1918)
  The Lovely Miss Harrymore (1918)
  The Man Who Dwelt on a Hill (1918)
  Alexander and the Lady (1918)
  The Murderers (1918)
  The Adventures of Heine (1919)
Other The Mission The Failed (1898)
  The Trial of the Seddons (1900)
  Writ in Barracks (poems) (1900)
  Unofficial Despatches (1901)
  The Four Just Men [Four Just Men] (1905)
  Angel Esquire (1908)
  The Council of Justice [Four Just Men] (1908)
  Eve's Island (1909)
  The Duke in the Suburbs (1909)
  The Cheaters (1910)
  The Nine Bears [T. B. Smith] (1910)
  Sanders of the River [Commissioner Sanders] (1911)
  The People of the River [Commissioner Sanders] (1912)
  The Fourth Plague (1913)
  The River of Stars [Commissioner Sanders] (1913)
  Bosambo of the River [Commissioner Sanders] (1914)
  Heroes All (1914)
  The Admirable Carfew [T. B. Smith] (1914)
  The Standard History of the War [NF] (1914)
  The War of the Nations [NF] (1914)
  Bones [Commissioner Sanders] (1915)
  Kitchener's Army and the Territorial Forces [NF] (1915)
  The Man Who Bought London (1915)
  Kate Plus 10 (1917)
  The Clue of the Twisted Candle (1917)
  The Just Men of Cordova [Four Just Men] (1917)
  The Keepers of the King's Peace [Commissioner Sanders] (1917)
  The Secret House (1917)
  Lieutenant Bones [Commissioner Sanders] (1918)
  The Adventures of Heine (1919)
  The Green Rust (1919)
  The Man Who Knew (1919)
  Jack o'Judgment (1920)
  The Daffodil Mystery (1920)
  Bones in London [Commissioner Sanders] (1921)
  The Law of the Four Just Men [Four Just Men] (1921)
  Flying Fifty-five (1922)
  Sandi The Kingmaker [Commissioner Sanders] (1922)
  The Angel of Terror (1922)
  The Crimson Circle (1922)
  The Valley of Ghosts (1922)
  Bones of the River [Commissioner Sanders] (1923)
  Captains of Souls (1923)
  The Book of All Power (1923)
  The Clue of the New Pin (1923)
  The Missing Million (1923)
  Double Dan (1924)
  Room 13 [J. G. Reeder] (1924)
  The Face in the Night (1924)
  The Sinister Man (1924)
  The Three Oak Mystery (1924)
  The Daughters of the Night (1925)
  The Fellowship of the Frog [Elk] (1925)
  The Hairy Arm (1925)
  The Mind of Mr J G Reeder [J. G. Reeder] (1925)
  The Strange Countess (1925)
  A Debt Discharged (1926)
  Barbara on Her Own (1926)
  Good Evans [Educated Evans] (1926)
  More Educated Evans [Educated Evans] (1926)
  Sanders [Commissioner Sanders] (1926)
  The Black Abbot (1926)
  The Door with Seven Locks (1926)
  The Green Archer (1926)
  The Joker [Elk] (1926)
  The Man from Morocco (1926)
  The Northing Tramp (1926)
  The Square Emerald (1926)
  The Yellow Snake (1926)
  Big Foot [Supt. Minter] (1927)
  Blue-Hand (1927)
  Flat 2 (1927)
  Mr Justice Maxwell (1927)
  Terror Keep [J. G. Reeder] (1927)
  The Forger (1927)
  The Man Who Was Nobody (1927)
  The Mixer (1927)
  The Squeaker (1927)
  The Traitor's Gate (1927)
  This England [NF] (1927)
  A King By Night (1928)
  Again Sanders [Commissioner Sanders] (1928)
  The Brigand (1928)
  The Double (1928)
  The Gunner (1928)
  The Orator (1928)
  The Ringer [Ringer] (1928)
  The Terrible People (1928)
  The Twister [Elk] (1928)
  Again The Ringer [Ringer] (1929)
  For Information Received (1929)
  Four Square Jane (1929)
  People [NF] (1929)
  Planetoid 127 (1929)
  The Dark Eyes of London (1929)
  The Flying Squad (1929)
  The Ghost of Down Hill (1929)
  The Golden Hades (1929)
  The Green Ribbon (1929)
  The India Rubber Men (1929)
  The Iron Grip (1929)
  The Lone House Mystery [Supt. Minter] (1929)
  The Queen of Sheba's Belt (1929)
  The Three Just Men [Four Just Men] (1929)
  Down Under Donovan (1930)
  Great Stories of Real Life [NF] (1930)
  John Flack (1930)
  Silinski - Master Criminal (1930)
  The Calendar (1930)
  The Clue of the Silver Key (1930)
  The Day of Uniting (1930)
  The Feathered Serpent (1930)
  The Hand of Power (1930)
  The Lady of Ascot (1930)
  The Thief in the Night (1930)
  On the Spot (1931)
  The Coat of Arms (1931)
  The Devil Man (1931)
  The Man at the Carlton (1931)
  The Ringer Returns [Ringer] (1931)
  White Face [Elk] (1931)
  Mr J. G. Reeder Returns [J. G. Reeder] (1932)
  Red Aces [J. G. Reeder] (1932)
  Sergeant Sir Peter (1932)
  The Frightened Lady (1932)
  The Guv'nor [J. G. Reeder] (1932)
  When the Gangs Came to London (1932)
  King Kong (1933)
  The Governor of Chi-Foo (1933)
  Circumstantial Evidence (1934)
  Fighting Snub Reilly (1934)
  Nig-nog (1934)
  Death Packs a Suitcase (1961)
  The Sooper (1984)
  The Death Room (1986)
  The Road to London (1986)