The Bionic Woman Annual (1979)
Written by
Copyright 1978
Published by Brown Watson of the U.K. contains children's games, crosswords, and stories.
A collection of 3 short stories, 3 comic stories, 1 non-fiction article, 5 games and 3 features. Contents are as follows:
The Short Stories are:
The Comic Stories are:
The Non-Fiction Articles are;
1. Bionic Power! (About people that were kind of super human)
The Games Are;
1. Put The First Letters Together
2. Bionic Time Test
3. Bionic Woman Quiz
4. The Bionic Crossword
5. Jaime InThe Maze
The Features Are;
1. Rita - The Bionic Stunt Lady ( About Rita Egleston who did the Bionic Woman stunts)
2. Enter Maximillion (About the Bionic Dog.)
3. Bionic Woman Profile (About Lindsay Wagner)