Strangers No More

Strangers No More

Written by Lloyd Stamy

"Former covert operative Hap Franklin emerges from retirement to combat Russian cybercriminality and stave off the more devastating long-term threat of permanent captivity by China. Destined to follow in the footsteps his father had prepared for him, he dons the familiar clandestine cloak of deception. No stranger to adversity, Hap embarks on a mission fraught with unimaginable danger, immeasurable cruelty, and unexpected resolution.
At the same time haunted by a life he is neither satisfied with nor altogether proud of, Hap seeks professional help while in the embrace of renowned behavioral psychologist Louise Porter. Attempts to reconcile their anxious hearts and troubled psyches further complicate the intrigue. Beyond avenging his beloved wife’s death, Hap’s resolve is emboldened by an abiding love for his adoring son and daughter and the daunting task of ensuring their future."