Writing as: Lloyd Stamy

According to the bio on Amazon: "Passionate about his craft, Lloyd finds it difficult to resist writing something every day, and doing so has been an enduring staple of his life. Even during a decades-long prior career in the institutional investment business, he was addicted to the written word and penned vignettes about what life served up on a daily basis. His devotion affirms Dieter Uchtdorf’s belief that “the desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul”. 

An admitted longtime collector of colorful characters from his personal life, Lloyd has an unlimited and fascinating cast from which to draw upon. Some of them appear and reappear in his stories. Vivid impressions and recollections of this abundant treasure trove of folks continually fuel his imagination, as Lloyd’s personal enjoyment comes from the sheer fun in bringing these characters back to life. As Albert Einstein maintained, “imagination is more important than knowledge, and creativity is intelligence having fun”.

Much like other novelists, Lloyd writes about what he knows and makes up the rest, which is what he doesn’t know, but believes is, or could be, true. As a result, his works have achieved what one reviewer called “a perfect combination of fact, fiction and fantasy”. Of course, if what Pablo Picasso claimed is true – that “everything you can imagine is real”, then perhaps there’s no point in trying to separate one from the other."

Series Books
Hap Franklin Reunion Of Strangers (2018)
  Strangers No More (2021)
  Perfect Strangers: Bad Bear Down (2023)