Halloran is an agent with Omega Section.
This highly secretive and selective member of the British Intelligence community only has the best agents working for it as it goes about doing the jobs that do not quite fit either MI-5 or MI-6 or which seem a bit too sensitive for the more well known departments to handle.
Halloran is one of the best in the Section and has been for the past half decade. Prior to going to work for the Section roughly eight years before, he had been in the SAS and had seen action in numerous hotspots around the world where British interests were at stake.
Being as good as he is, he knows when it is time to think of other trades and for him that time is now. As the series begins, Halloran is 38 years old, has just the slightest beginnings of a paunch from having missed a couple of training sessions, is starting to lose his hair, and has a face that reflects too well the many unpleasant things he has seen. He is due to retire at the end of the month and is looking forward to no longer putting his life at risk on a daily basis though he has not given that much thought to what he will do once gone from the Section.
Halloran, like any good agent, enjoys the company of the ladies and tries to satisfy their urges while taking care of his own. He is realistic enough, though, to know that when a beautiful, younger woman throws herself at him with the ardor that happens once or twice in the adventures, they may have more on their minds than animalistic desire for his body. Being a realist, he knows they have other motives. And being a realist, he sees no reason to stop them.
The first book deals with his final assignment as a normal agent while the second takes place some time after he has left.