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Full Name: Louis Morgon
Nationality: American
Organization: CIA
Occupation Agent

Creator: Peter Steiner
Time Span: 2003 - 2016


Louis Morgon is a former CIA Liaison.

From the time he was in college doing post-graduate work and writing his dissertation, Morgon was a man who was watched carefully for the incredibly insightful clarity he brought to global events. His professors lauded his analysis and many people in government began to pay attention as well. He was decidedly a man with a future.

When he finally left the Ivy League university for the real world, he was snatched up by the State Department and within a couple of fast paced years was was writing opinion papers that people at the very top took seriously. One of the people paying the most attention and bringing attention of others to Morgon was the rising star at State, Hugh Bowes.

As many of the predictions that Morgon made based on analysis and study came to pass, Bowes, who had taken Morgon's ideas and passed them along, rose with the same waters that were rising Morgon but he did not take credit himself as many others in Washington might have. He was content to let Morgon shine, knowing that the glow would also illuminate Bowes.

After a while Morgon was asked to become State's liaison with the CIA, an agency in need, or so thought State, of the clarity of purpose that Morgon would bring.

With his career in overdrive, his marriage began to suffer but rather than give up on it they chose to have a child in the hopes of salvaging the relationship. A daughter was born followed soon by a son but though the marriage lasted for many more years, the relationship was gone. Morgon had his work and that dominated his life.

Then it all came to a crashing end when a regime change here and a power struggle there made a couple of Morgon's conclusions wrong and suddenly the fair-haired boy of State was being summarily discharged, abandoned, and villified. Bowes turned against him faster than a revolving door and his life in the government was over. The shock of the change, and the severity of it which was hardly justified stunned Morgon.

After a couple years teaching and trying to get on with his life, with his marriage now at the end, Morgon needed just one more straw. That came when he found his wife in bed with his former backer, Bowes.

Morgon packed a bag and headed to Europe. He chose France and, after hiking and thumbing and touring at random, he chose a small village in the south central part of the country and started a new life. He had virtually nothing to do with his previous world. He lived frugally and simply and forgot the past.

As the series begins, 30 years have passed. Morgon is in his early 60s and is content in life. He has a good friend in the police chief of the small community. He has engaged in a quiet affair with the lady next door. He paints and does moderately well at it. He is happy.

Then for reasons he does not understand and finds it hard to believe, the world of politics and governmental intrigue which he had been evicted from three decades before come rushing back into his tranquil life and he must fight for survival and that of those he loves.


Number of Books:5
First Appearance:2003
Last Appearance:2016

1 Le Crime Le Crime
aka A French Country Murder
Written by Peter Steiner
Copyright: 2003

Finding a body on his doorstep with his throat slit, Louis Morgon does not know if it is his present life in France that is involved or something from decades ago when he was a CIA agent. He and his friend, the local gendarme, investigate.
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2 L'Assassin L'Assassin
Written by Peter Steiner
Copyright: 2008

Morgon would like to believe that the break-in of his house in France was simple burglary but life will not let it be that easy and soon he and his gendarme friend, Jean Renard, are in the thick of danger.
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3 The Terrorist The Terrorist
Written by Peter Steiner
Copyright: 2010

A young friend of retired Louis Morgon travels to the US to study but then goes missing. When Morgon decides to find out what happened, he discovers that it is a nasty affair of international significance.
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4 The Resistance The Resistance
Written by Peter Steiner
Copyright: 2012

Finding documents hidden beneath the house he is currently living in, Louis Morgon uncovers information on who was part of the Resistance during WWII and who aided the enemy. Also in it was information about a massacre in the village during that time, facts that is causing death in the present.
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5 The Capitalist The Capitalist
Written by Peter Steiner
Copyright: 2016

Having your money invested with St. John Larrimer was the best way to get fantastic results. Except it was all a lie. When Larrimer disappeared with a bundle, Louis Morgon felt he could find him but many of the others looking were not very nice people.
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When I finished the first and second novels, and novels they are, in this series, I marvelled at how well crafted they were and how immensely enjoyable they had been. I also shook my head in confusion at the events depicted in these stories.

Could they have really happened? Would people really behave as they did in the books? I did not think so. Things did not make sense. And yet! I truly enjoyed every word of every page. When the character sat at an outdoor cafe and sipped on a cup of coffee and looked around and pondered, I was right next to him and tasted the coffee and admired the sights. That is how good the books were.

And yet! Why was he there at that particular time doing what he was doing? Did it make sense? I had my doubts.

But I had no doubt I enjoyed these books and will enjoy the third. Mr. Steiner is a very gifted writer.

I give the relatively low grade on this series because of my confusion and because the spycraft does not warrant much higher. As a novel, though, each book deserves higher.


My Grade: B


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