Charley Castillo is an agent for the American President.
When the Man in the Oval Office grew weary of listening to the various intelligence agencies bicker among themselves, unable to speak with a single voice that had any air of confidence, he decided to choose one man to cut through the malarkey and, if need be, go to where the trouble was to get a clearer picture.
The man chosen for the job was Major Carlos Guillermo Castillo, former Green Beret and now attached to the Director of Homeland Security. Known to his friends as Charley, this decorated soldier with the Hispanic name was blond haired and blue eyed, a product of genetics from his mother's side.
Born Karl von und zu Gossinger, he was the child born of a brief relationship between a young German heiress and an equally young, dashing American helicopter pilot training in Germany. Very much in love, they were soon separated when he was sent to Vietnam. Dying while saving lives soon after, earning posthumously the Medal of Honor, he never learned of her pregnancy and she was never told what happened to him. When their son was around 12, she died of cancer. An American family, friends to the woman, took the boy in and raised him as their own. Inheriting a considerable fortune from his mother's estate, his new family has even more money and influence.
With all that wealth, Castillo could have picked any career or none at all. This did not fit his temperament, though, and he decided to follow his father's example to join the military. Due to the medal his father won, Castillo was admitted to West Point. The rest was totally his own doing, rising in rank in the Special Forces, earning his own cache of medals and promotions.
Now, twenty years later, Charley is very much his own man, self-confident and quite capable and just the right man for the job the President has for him.