Mills1 Mills2 Mills3
Full Name: Mills
Nationality: British
Organization: MI6
Occupation Agent

Creator: Manning O'Brinne
Time Span: 1969 - 1975


Mills is an agent for MI-6.

If you wanted someone appearing less like a spy, Mills might be your man. He is described as in his late forties with hair that has all gone to white. He is medium height and rather stocky and his roundish face is already well on its way to heavy jowls. His eyes tend to water easily; making him look like he is about to cry and his voice is soft and often hesitant.

In addition to the normal work that comes his way, Mills spends much of his professional life tracking Nazi war criminals, one of which has become almost an obsession with him two and a half decades later. In that endeavor he works on the side with a fellow hunter named Moshe Singer and has been successful in tracking down several moderate-level Nazis over the years.

Mills is single and figures he will always stay that way. He likes women and will find one on occasion to spend time and his bed with but for lasting relationships, he knows his work and his personality would never let it work. Twice before the series and once during it, he has been tempted but each time something happens to pull him away so he remains alone and often lonely.

Of the three books in the series, Mills is the main character in the first and a very important supporting character in the third, especially towards the end. The middle book is connected to Mills only in that he helped train some of the people in it and there are numerous references to him and his "retirement".

While he certainly has a first name, no one ever uses it if they ever knew it in the first place. Mills is just called Mills by everyone.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:1969
Last Appearance:1975

1 Mills Mills
Written by Manning O'Brinne
Copyright: 1969

Mills was to extract from East Germany a scientist with information on the military use of LSD-25. Mills knew the man was also a war criminal sentenced to death years before so he made sure the punishment was carried out. Now he is hunted for the formula he didn't get.

2 Crambo Crambo
Written by Manning O'Brinne
Copyright: 1970

Crambo is an agent for MI-6. He is also an agent for the other side, or so he seemed to once be. Perhaps he is again. Or perhaps escaping to yet a third side is the answer. Mills is no really a part of this book although he is referenced on several occasions as having trained some participants.

3 No Earth For Foxes No Earth For Foxes
Written by Manning O'Brinne
Copyright: 1975

The Coordinator for MI-6 is being asked by that agency to defect. Mills is brought out of retirement to assist in the assignment, which he does only because of the chance to catch an old Nazi target.


While I couldn't ever put my finger on any particular passage that screamed "bleak" to me, it was there somewhere in the pages of this series. Not the series itself or the writing, which is darned good. Bleak refers to the life the agents lead and in that it is in the same wonderfully dreary world as written by LeCarre. Mr. O'Brine definitely pulls it off, too.

Miro comes across as a bloodhound who refuses to let go of a scent, no matter how weak. That is his appeal and his bane as his obsessions fester in his mind too much.


My Grade: B-


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