Crazy, also known as "Steele Street", is a series of espionage adventures of the Special Defense Force.
The SDF is a secret detachment created by the Department of Defense to have a specially trained team to handle extremely sensitive operations. Moreover, these operatives were working outside the normal confines of the DOD and, if caught, were on their own.
Leading the group is General Buck Grant, a two-star who knew he didn't play the game at the Pentagon well enough for his third star but still answered the call willingly when asked. He rides rough over his people but really does care what happens to them even though he knows they can easily get killed.
His team was to be a small one, hand picked by him. He chose five men. Two were considered rejects by everyone who ever had to command them. Two were good soldiers but without any covert experience. The fifth was a man considered a hero and unlikely to destroy his career for such a deadly, thankless position. Nevertheless, these were his choices for the men he wanted and needed and he got them, though arm twisting might have been involved.
That was eight years before the first recorded adventure. Eight years later, they were about the best there was.
The SDF has a good number of agents, which is important because each adventure details another instance of the agent, be it male or female, falling into trouble and ending up in love and not quite so ready in the future to loose what he or she just found. General Grant has to spend most of his time finding qualified replacement operatives.