Zemil_Avram1 Zemil_Avram2
Full Name: Avram Zemil
Nationality: Israeli
Organization: Mossad
Occupation Agent

Creator: Gary Kriss
Time Span: 1988 - 1989


Avram Zemil is an operative for the Israeli Secret Service, aka Mossad.

As was the standard in Israel, Zemil joined the military out of school to perform his required years of national duty. His intellect and his interests moved him quickly from the infantry into G-2, Military Intelligence. There he seemed to fit in and excel, staying longer than his required time and serving with distinction for several years before being approached to serve elsewhere.

The invitation had come from the head of Mossad itself, an elderly man named Ben-Or, who had watched the younger man and saw in him an exceptional operative. Whether he was leading an overt operation against enemy forces or working in the covert field of espionage, Zemil continually showed both bravery and intelligence. He was watchful and observant, two qualities that were very much desired as an operative not only needed to be able to look carefully at something, he needed to be able to understand what it was he was seeing.

Eventually promotions pushed him behind a desk more and more and, as the series starts, he is 36 and, as newly promoted Chief of Station in Haifa, his field work should have been at an end as it was for his contemporaries. Being the man that he is, however, that would not likely happen. Zemil was a man of action, not content to just send others to do the work.

Still single and considered quite handsome by the women he knew, Zemil was not against the idea of marriage, he just did not put it as a high priority. He liked the work he did and he saw no reason to change, especially since there always seemed something interesting, and exciting, about to happen.


Number of Books:2
First Appearance:1988
Last Appearance:1989

1 First Loyalty First Loyalty
Written by Gary Kriss
Copyright: 1988

There is a traitor inside the Intelligence agency, costing valuable lives. Avram Zemil was almost one of the victims. Now the Prime Minister has asked him to work alone to ferret out the traitor but that soon means all guns are pointing to Zemil.

2 Final Option Final Option
Written by Gary Kriss
Copyright: 1989

Arab terrorists have attacted a French facility and kidnapped the lead Israeli nuclear scientist, putting that project in grave danger. It is Avram Zemil's job to find and rescue the scientist at any cost.


This two-book series is wall-to-wall action. There is very little room for gray in this world as the existence of Israel is constantly on the block. As a result, it gets a bit too heavy for my tastes. I want the agent to smile once in a while.

Not that he has much to smile at, what with people shooting at him so much and killing his friends and imperiling his loved ones. At least he has the enjoyment of getting even with all the s.o.b.'s who make his life so serious all the time.

I often wish for more books in a series but in this case, with the pressure that Zemil is under all the time, I am not so wishful. But the writing is very, very good and the action flows so if Zemil would just smile.


My Grade: B

Your Average Grade:   A+


A+ 2017-07-03

Commenting only on First Loyalty, it's a difficult book to put down once you start reading it. Similar in that regard to Ludlum.

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