Wyman_Michael3 Wyman_Michael1 Wyman_Michael2
Full Name: Michael Wyman
Nationality: British
Organization: MI6
Occupation Agent

Creator: Bob Cook
Time Span: 1985 - 1988


Michael Wyman is an agent for MI6.

He is also a Honorary Fellow at the university from which he was seconded many years before by the Firm when they were in need of someone with East German experience. Speaking fluent German and knowing the region quite well, he was the perfect candidate, was asked, and accepted. He has since been with them for thirty years and is content, considering himself to be a half-caste, a college don with a PhD in Philosophy who was also in British Intelligence.

Though he worked for MI6, he was attached to a section relegated to the "back-water" regions of government, literally as well as figuratively, known as the Department, a section which was once considered vibrant and vital but is now viewed by most "as dry and dusty as those who ran it."

But as the series opens, his life is undergoing some drastic change. This fifty-six year old man, contemplating retirement soon, is shocked to hear that with cutbacks needed, his position with MI6 is being made redundant. And similar monetary squeezes at the University makes them have to remove all current Honorary positions. His alimony checks are a bit in arrears. And his thirty-nine year old girl friend has just learned she is pregnant. A stressful week for Wyman, to say the least.

Life changes quickly for Wyman but his involvement with the Firm and the Intelligence community is never lost and he continues to find ways to show that a middle-aged man with graying thin hair, a pink and flabby face, and a growing paunch can still be an agent to be reckoned with. He might not have the physical glamor of the younger operatives, nor their stamina, but his brainpower is still as good as ever and it was always very, very good.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:1985
Last Appearance:1988

1 Disorderly Elements Disorderly Elements
Written by Bob Cook
Copyright: 1985

Finding himself suddenly out of a job, Michael Wyman still has the habit of reading the East German newspapers and in one he finds an article with facts that should not have been there. The existance of a leak in the Firm is not to be ignored.

2 Questions Of Identity Questions Of Identity
Written by Bob Cook
Copyright: 1987

When an important scientist is kidnapped by the Red Brigade, the CIA tries to force a college student radical into making a run for it and taking them to the terrorists. They happen to pick a young woman who is being tutored by ex-MI-6 agent Michael Wyman and he is not pleased.

3 Faceless Mortals Faceless Mortals
Written by Bob Cook
Copyright: 1988

An English teacher with little or no recognition goes missing while in Yugoslavia and suddenly the tabloids are claiming he is a spy. Michael Wyman doubts it but is surprised when the CIA, KGB, and others get so very interested in who the man was and what he was doing in the Balkan nation.


Life really isn't kind to Wyman sometimes but this erudite, amusing man somehow manages to keep a smile and go on. That is the kind of fun reading that Mr. Cook gives us in this three-book series about a not-so-Bond agent. It is definitely a comic novel but not in a slapstick sort but a "don't underestimate me" style. It grabs you and keeps you.

You will certainly like Wyman. He is a good sod, reliable as long as you are not in too big of a hurry, friendly unless you get on his bad side, decent with good morals, and a confidence that something good will come along eventually.

The writing is first-class with dialogue that is snappy and realistic, prose that keeps the story going smoothly, and plots that are fun and interesting.


My Grade: A-


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