Tweed is the head of the British Secret Intelligence Service.
Whether Mr. Forbes intended on doing a series about Tweed is uncertain. The part played by Tweed in the first book was extremely important but he was by no means the central character. After another book dealing with WWII, Forbes returned to the spy genre with an adventure starring a news correspondent, Bob Newman, who eventually meets up with and is helped by Tweed. Again, Tweed was an important but not primary participant.
After that, however, the series took off in full force with Tweed running the show at the SIS, helped by his beautiful assistant, Paula Gray, and usually backed-up by the resourceful and highly tenacious Bob Newman. Both of these characters could easily have held their own in a series, so fully developed that they were, especially has time went along. Gray was closer to Tweed in work but Newman was a vital player, too.
Forbes' books all have several features in common. They are all good. They are all filled with many, many twists and turns and false alarms and dead bodies and wild, wicked plots. And they are all long! Figuring an average of 475 pages per chronicle, added to the wallop each adventure packs, and you definitely get your money's worth.
You'll probably like Tweed, as I did. He is not the ultimate spy hero, tending to be closer to the George Smiley than to the James Bond. He is of average height and realistic demeanor. You wouldn't find him on a mountain-climbing vacation or scuba diving with sharks off Kingston. That does not mean, however, that he does not get into the thick of things on more than one occasion; it is just that it is his job to send others in and he only takes part when there are no alternatives or when he is pushed by events into it.
You will always find him thinking. A lot! He sees bad guys behind every rock but there isn't any paranoia involved because the bad guys are truly lurking there. Luckily for us, he sees them, but not so lucky for them because he is damned good at his job and not so lucky for him because they all know it and want him dead.