Rickman_Roy1 Rickman_Roy2 Rickman_Roy3
Full Name: Roy Rickman
Nationality: British
Organization: Parliamentary Investigation Committee
Occupation Agent

Creator: David Craig
Time Span: 1969 - 1970


Roy Rickman is an agent for the PIC.

Patterned after a similar legislative structure in America, the relatively new Parliamentary Investigatory Committee (PIC) is empowered to look into anything affecting the security of the country, all as a research tool to give Parliament more information from which to govern.

At the beginning of the series, Rickman had no connection to the PIC. He was a junior administrative worker in Personnel for a mid-size corporation, doing a fairly boring job. His only excitement in life was the affair he was having with a married woman. Then he learned that the Intelligence community had prepared a list of people like him and from that list as needed they would pick a name and, with that person's permission, have an agent assume that identity. It made it far easier to have a convincing back-story when the identity being used was a real one.

He agreed, mostly as a lark. Then the agent using his name is murdered. End of lark.

Rickman is told that the agent who died had worked for the PIC and the head of that branch wanted Rickman to take his place - in essence pretend to be the man pretending to be himself. From then on, Rickman is a full-time agent in the department.

This series presents an extreme view of the political scene at the time of its writing. Socialism was rising fast and bordering on communism with pressure from inside and outside to leave the Western alliances and join the Soviet bloc. The in-fighting is tremendous and the pallor is bleak. Whether either side is better or worse is something that Rickman never bothers to decide as he is too busy just trying to stay alive.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:1969
Last Appearance:1970

1 The Alias Man The Alias Man
Written by David Craig
Copyright: 1969

Roy Rickman had agreed to lend his identity to an agent from the Intelligence community. Then the agent turns up dead and someone starts following Rickman. Of course, the real Rickman has no idea who, what, or why.

2 Message Ends Message Ends
Written by David Craig
Copyright: 1969

The prediction was that England was on the verge of collapse, ready to go to the Soviets. Roy Rickman didn't believe it until he saw his boss murdered and learned that the Minister of Information had defected and he was starting to get the idea.

3 Contact Lost Contact Lost
Written by David Craig
Copyright: 1970

Things have never looked bleaker for England as it teeters on the edge of joining the Soviet blok. An underground movement, with American help, is fighting to keep the country free. Roy Rickman has to decide which side to help - the one that promises freedom or the ones paying his salary.


Do NOT read this series if you are at all sad or down. It will drive you over the edge with its dark, depressing atmosphere and feeling of doom and gloom. Even though it was written forty years ago, it is still powerful. The social commentary is presented without any attempt to pretty it up or put a positive spin on it.

But that shows good writing so for that reason, give it a try. But take a happy pill before hand because you'll need it afterwards.

And do NOT do what Rickman does if the government comes calling to "borrow" your identity. As Rickman found out the very hard way, it can be murder.


My Grade: B


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