HewesBradford_Barrington3 HewesBradford_Barrington1 HewesBradford_Barrington4 HewesBradford_Barrington2
Full Name: Barrington Hewes-Bradford
Series Name: The Peacemaker
Nationality: American
Organization: The Peacemaker Foundation
Occupation CEO

Creator: Adam Hamilton
Time Span: 1974 - 1975


Barrington Hewes-Bradford is a freelance agent.

Imagine you were incredibly rich, one of the wealthiest men in the world. Imagine you were dashingly handsome, suave, and smooth. Imagine you were in the best of physical shape, in love with adventure, and had a great desire for righting wrongs and protecting the little guy.

If you can imagine all that, you'd find yourself being Barrington Hewes-Bradford, Chairman of the Board of HB Enterprises, HB Shipping, Zeus Airlines, and Interco Oil, and head of the Peacemaker Foundation.

And having imagined all that, you would now know just about all there was to know about the hero of this series and the sort of activities he would like become involved with.

At 32 years of age, "Barry", as he is known to his friends, is so wealthy that he does not have to worry about money but he does worry about his empire and strives to keep it safe and strong. Day-to-day operations are usually handled by his chief-of-staff, a man named Trask, but Hewes-Bradford would never been content to just sit back and do nothing. He had inherited a nice fortune from his father but it was nothing compared to what he would make it. A shrewd and savvy financier, Hewes-Bradford bought companies when they were down and built them up again, extending his influence in all manner of enterprise.

But even more than the love of the financial game and being a captain of industry, Hewes-Bradford has a passion for world peace. He truly believes that with a concerted effort, peace might be obtainable in his lifetime. To that end, he created his Foundation.

The Peacemaker Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to making the world a better place. To do so, it has on staff an elite group of trouble shooters ready to go into action with its leader. It also has one of the best intelligence collection services around, the envy of most of the countries of the world. Finally, it has a leader and adventurer with one of the longest names in all the world of spy-fi.


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:1974
Last Appearance:1975

1 The Zaharan Pursuit The Zaharan Pursuit
Written by Adam Hamilton
Copyright: 1974

The criminal known as Zaharan was the head of a crime organization that stretched across the world. Those who come up against him often end up dead with a large Z carved into their body. The Peacemaker finds it necessary to join the fight.

2 The Yashar Pursuit The Yashar Pursuit
Written by Adam Hamilton
Copyright: 1974

The head of the National Liberation Army of Kuska has announced that he possesses canisters of a deadly nerve agent. His demands include the release of imprisoned members of his group. The Peacemaker doesn't want that to happen.

3 The Xander Pursuit The Xander Pursuit
Written by Adam Hamilton
Copyright: 1974

As the situation in the island nation of Tarrago grows worse, a neighboring country looks lustfully at it. Knowing that invasion is coming soon, the Peacemaker is determined to see that war does not happen.

4 The Wyss Pursuit The Wyss Pursuit
Written by Adam Hamilton
Copyright: 1975

The Indochina country of Balabac, with its new young leader, King Buri, is set to fall victim to a coup d'etat unless the Peacemaker can find though sabotaging the efforts to bring relief to a struggling nation.


For light entertainment, this series was not bad. It has the same flair as most made-for-television movies of that decade. The hero is tremendously heroic. The villains are dastardly to an extreme. The women are usually incredibly thankful for being rescued.

Reading these books is moderately enjoyable, like jello; moderately filling but not long lasting. Even better, you never ever feel guilty about eating it but there is no reason to brag about having done so, either. That sums these books well. They are fast, fun, temporarily satisfying, and then leave you soon afterwards.

If I could, I would keep eating ... ah, reading them.


My Grade: C


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