"John Scott" is a reporter.
The series is called "The Notebooks" even though a notebook doesn't really play a part. It's more to do with the fact that the protagonist is a newsman and jots down his facts in a notebook.
The newsman is the best way to describe the hero as his name is never mentioned. He gives the alias of John Scott once or twice as time goes by but his real name remains a mystery. What news organization he works for is also a mystery although he comments that he is moderately successful but has never reached the upper level of the business and aspires to it. It is a Washington-based job with the articles written going to several papers on the chain. He comments at one point that he has six different editors who might review his writing. He does not solely report on national events, though, as in the third book he is in Paris returning from some time in Beirut where he was reporting the trouble in that region, showing he has a global beat.
According to sketchy information, the newsman is in his mid to late 30's, is on the tallish side and is quite strong. He is naturally very inquisitive but seldom pleased with how his snooping often brings out anger in others and they often bring out guns. He is open with authorities, seldom playing cagey but he is often suspected of being a secret agent despite his honesty.
His activities in the world of intrigue are neither planned nor desired but they happen nevertheless. All three adventures follow the same concept of an innocent story that mushrooms into a major life-threatening escapade. Each story is well-thought out and interesting.