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Full Name: Bart Lasker
Series Name: Mystic Rebel
Nationality: American
Organization: CIA
Occupation Agent

Creator: Ryder Syvertsen
Time Span: 1988 - 1991


There are numerous series written about former CIA agents that are not included in this collection but the Mystic Rebel is because of its unique nature. It is the only series I have found that has the agent working for, or at least taking suggestions from, the Dalai Lama.

Bart Lasker is an agent for the CIA. He isn't officially on their payroll and he would not really consider himself one but they provided most of his income and occupied most of his time so for all intents and purposes, he was an agent.

Lasker had been a pilot in the U.S. Air Force and had enjoyed it a lot. He would have stayed in as a career but a series of small infractions and arguments had added up and he knew he would not be allowed to re-up. Choosing to get his release in Singapore, he was certain that the need for private pilots he'd heard of would get him plenty of work. Several weeks went by with no bites and too much time to drink. That is when Donnely approached him with a job offer. Donnely would provide the plane, Lasker would do the flying, and a package would be couriered to New Delhi.

The job went without a hitch and was followed by more and more such jobs and Lasker earned a lot of money, enough to put a down payment on his own Vicker P3 Mail plane. Making the payments, though, meant that Donnely really owned him. And that is when he learned that Donnely had definite plans for him. Donnely does not ever state that he is CIA, the cover blurbs on the books indicate it.

As the series begins, Lasker is sent to fly a shipment into forbidden Tibet and while there to note activities by both the Chinese overlords and the Tibetan rebels. He gets shot down and survives only with the help of a mountain tribe who is at first distrustful but then gradually more open.

Shortly thereafter, Lasker discovers his presence and his awakening to the plight of the Tibetans is not a coincidence - he is the fulfillment of an ancient legend and he is given special powers to help him fight oppressors as well as the followers of the Dark One, an ancient evil bent on returning to this world.

After the first adventure when Lasker is back in his old haunts and wondering what he would do with the knowledge he had gained, he was approached by the Dalai Lama who said he had a use for such a man.


Number of Books:6
First Appearance:1988
Last Appearance:1991

1 Mystic Rebel Mystic Rebel
Written by Ryder Syvertsen
Copyright: 1988

While on assignment in Tibet for the Agency, Lasker soon defies orders to stop a campaign of brutality by Chinese officials. Now marked for death by them and his own government, Lasker learns he is the fulfillment of an age-old prophesy.

2 The Dancing Dead The Dancing Dead
Written by Ryder Syvertsen
Copyright: 1988

Lasker must avoid Chinese troops and the assassins of Dr. Woo as he seeks to recover the fabled Terton Text, a weapon designed to stop the every increasing Dark Forces bent on controlling the world.

3 Darkness Descends Darkness Descends
Written by Ryder Syvertsen
Copyright: 1988

At the request of the Dalai Lama, Lasker returns to the U.S. to protect a newborn child from those who must kill it to see their schemes furthered.

4 Temple Of Dark Destiny Temple Of Dark Destiny
Written by Ryder Syvertsen
Copyright: 1989

A New Delhi gangster is determined to get his hands on the secret journals of Thomas of Judea for they are said to hold the key to a great power and he wants it for himself, as do other worshippers of the Dark One.

5 Cave Of The Master Cave Of The Master
Written by Ryder Syvertsen
Copyright: 1990

The secret road to Shambala has been discovered by Lasker but as he travels it to that underground world, he is being stalked by the dangerous Bonpo wizards who want the power they will find there.

6 Fortress Of Forbidden Destiny Fortress Of Forbidden Destiny
Written by Ryder Syvertsen
Copyright: 1991

Twelve Tibetan high lamas have disappeared, taken by the Red Chinese in an effort to pry from them the ancient secrets of Kundalini. With this source of unlimited energy, the enemy could rule the world, unless Bart Lasker can rescue the holy men and stop the plot.


This series is a very strange mixture of genres. It starts out as an adventure book with traces of espionage, moves quickly into full-out spy drama, then drops into the heroic fantasy with concepts of past lives and living embodiment of greater than human forces. As the books progress, they start dealing with the idea of extraterrestrial involvement though if that is from outer space or another dimension is not quite certain.

Through it all, Bart Lasker hates being pushed around, he likes the ladies and the frequent consumption of hard spirits, and he enjoys a darn good fight. He also learns to respect and love another culture and despise the regime that robs that culture of its freedoms.

The books are a bit hard to swallow, even granted its outrageous premise so I would not recommend it to anyone. If you want pure kick-butt action with mysticism thrown in, this is for you.


My Grade: D+


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