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Full Name: Britt St.Vincent
Series Name: Mind Masters
Nationality: American
Organization: Mero Institute
Occupation Agent

Creator: John F. Rossmann
Time Span: 1974 - 1976


Britt St. Vincent is an agent with Mero.

"To the public, Britt St. Vincent is a great Grand Prix racing driver. To the Pentagon, Britt is a dangerous renegade scientist who quit their frighteningly effective mind-control research project. To a vast secret organization known as Mero, Britt is a vital agent in a global struggle against the dark occult forces menacing humanity."

So reads the backs of the books in this action series. St. Vincent's first encounter with the Mero Institute was a fun one - driving in the desert of California in his Ferrari, he notices a pair of headlights gaining on him. Being a racer and having an awesome car in which he is speeding, he knows that was impossible. He soon learns more impossible things and his life is never the same again as he is recruited into Mero and taught to use the gifts he'd always had in defense of a needy world.

Mero is a civilian agency made up largely of former military researchers who had grown increasingly worried about the expanding use of psychic abilities to threaten democratic ways of life. Its interest in St. Vincent dates back to his military days when he was tested by the Army and found to possess impressive though latent abilities. That relationship did not end well when he and a young woman he met while she was also being tested tried to sneak away to get married - she died and he swore off the government.

St. Vincent loves adventure, shown by his chosen profession as a race car driver, and he gets a ton of it with Mero. He also loves the ladies and he gets to know a lot of them, both good ones and a few bad ones. He also finds that he just seems to get better and better and, while his ego grows to be a bit much, the excitement and the dangers grow right along with it.

Along with his ego growing, so grows the strangeness of the cases as the subjects fall full-force into the realm of science fiction. ESP, telepathy, mind-control, and all other facets of the paranormal come into play in one manner or another. St. Vincent finds he not only has to be one step ahead of the bad guys, he has to be one thought ahead of them as well.


Number of Books:5
First Appearance:1974
Last Appearance:1976

1 The Mind Masters The Mind Masters
Written by John F. Rossmann
Copyright: 1974

It is Sicily that St.Vincent must find a way to reawaken a young woman and put to rest a spirit who demands sacrifices.

2 Shamballah Shamballah
Written by John F. Rossmann
Copyright: 1975

Hidden in the Black Forest, an occult master from Nazi Germany is combining psychic abilities with modern computers to enslave people and even St. Vincent is a victim.

3 The Door The Door
Written by John F. Rossmann
Copyright: 1975

Someone has harnessed the power of Stonehenge to turn normal people into robotic killers. St.Vincent heads to England to stop him.

4 Amazons Amazons
Written by Ian Ross
Copyright: 1976

The insane leader of a band of women in the Amazon jungle plans to use St.Vincent's kills as an agent to further her goals, after she uses his skills as a lover.

5 Recycled Souls Recycled Souls
Written by Ian Ross
Copyright: 1976

To save the life of the woman he loves, St.Vincent must go up against a Lesbian high priestess of an undersea empire who has her own breed of sharks to do her killing for her.


If you don't take this series seriously, you'll probably enjoy it. St.Vincent is a lover boy as well as a racer and a scientist and he excels in all three categories.

For plots, they are standard fare taken up a notch in sexual escapades and more than a bit over the top in maniacal ranting by the bad guys. They definitely fit in a B-movie script and that is what this series feels like.

But they are fun for a while. A short while or in small doses. Sometimes it is just a hoot to say "entertain me" and not worry about it being very good.


My Grade: C


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