Toby Bogner is an agent with the ISA.
A former Navy pilot, risen to the rank of Commander, Bognor is still officially attached to the Department of the Navy. He is also, and has been for more than a decade, one of the lead operatives in the Internal Security Agency, an Intelligence bureau run by a friend and mentor, Clancy Parker. Parker is a veteran spymaster who over the years has earned the respect of those at the top and now has the President virtually on speed dial. More accurately is that the President is the one to call the ISA into action as they are directly answerable to him.
Bogner, who is called either Toby or T.C. by every close to him, except for his ex-wife who insists on Tobias, is in his mid-40s. After getting an engineer degree from Cal Tech, he joined the Navy. He once reflected that he became an officer and gentleman, got married, and headed to Navy Flight school all within 72 hours. Now he has been divorced for seven years though the marriage had really ended years before. His constant travel due to the Navy as well as her career needs as a reporter aiming for an anchor shot, forced them apart. Together they create a daughter, Kim, that both adored and who was well into college.
As an agent with the ISA, Bogner is used to travelling around the world. This small but influential bureau has no apparent area of jurisdiction, going wherever the President sees fit. As its best and most experience agent, Bogner is not surprised when the late night call comes in and he is packing a bag. His ability to handle himself, his engineering schooling, and his experience as a fighter pilot make him a valuable asset to any Intelligence agency and one that Parker guards securely.
The six books in the Bogner series are known as techno-thrillers in that modern technology plays a major role in the activities and in the storyline. Even with all the science and machinery has the importance they do, the action still centers around Bogner and in the end, it is Bogner who will come through.