Belcourt_Robert3 Belcourt_Robert2 Belcourt_Robert4 Belcourt_Robert1
Full Name: Robert Belcourt
Nationality: Canadian
Organization: British Secret Service
Occupation Agent

Creator: Cameron Rougvie
Time Span: 1964 - 1967


Robert Belcourt is an agent for the British Secret Service.

He is also a movie producer whose specializing in B-movies has made him considerable money and offered the chance to travel the world. This makes him a perfect candidate for recruitment by the British intelligence agency. For his part, Belcourt loved the action and the excitement though he reserved the right to turn down an assignment.

During the Second World War, Belcourt had been a captain running an infantry company when an explosion burst an eardrum and took him out of active duty. Not ready to quit, he transfered to the Intelligence branch and was sent to Gilbraltor. There his boss was Stuart Grant and two men found they worked well together. Most importantly, Grant learned just how good Belcourt was at his job, especially when it was revealed that Belcourt had a skill with languages and spoke fluent French, Spanish, German, and Italian.

When the war ended, Belcourt politely turned down an offer to stay on as a civilian in the Department but did agree to stay in touch. Belcourt decided to stay in England rather than return to Canada and work as a reporter. This eventually evolved into a career producing movies. Over the next eleven years as his livelihood was improving with his success, he would agree to do the occasional job for Grant.

Most of the assignments that Grant gave to Belcourt during that decade were largely of a police nature with little espionage nature but there were a couple of challenging missions. Through the years their relationship remained interesting as Grant invariably wanted more from Belcourt that he was willing to give. Nevertheless, the respect remained and the occasional job always there.

Belcourt never thinks of himself as a secret agent or a cloak and dagger sort of man. He produces movies and writes scripts and enjoys doing both. He loves to travel and meet interesting people and his day job makes that constantly available. He also likes to add some excitement to things and the part-time work for Grant more than supplies that.


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:1964
Last Appearance:1967

1 Medal From Pamplona Medal From Pamplona
Written by Cameron Rougvie
Copyright: 1964

Robert Belcourt is traveling with a good friend to Pamplona and is thinking of asking a new lady friend to join him. Then he learns his friend may be defecting and the lady is probably a Soviet agent.
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2 Tangier Assignment Tangier Assignment
Written by Cameron Rougvie
Copyright: 1965

Robert Belcourt really has two jobs while visiting Tangier. He is to uncover a mob gun-running syndicate while trapping the Soviet spy-master in that North African city.
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3 The Gredos Reckoning The Gredos Reckoning
Written by Cameron Rougvie
Copyright: 1966

Two British agents are kignapped by the Russians in the Gredos mountains of Spain. Robert Belcourt must team up with a strange assortment of people to get them freed.

4 When Johnny Died When Johnny Died
Written by Cameron Rougvie
Copyright: 1967

Robert Belcourt is asked to return to Tangier, the scene of an earlier mission, to investigate the death of a British agent as well as to check out the activities of a band of Berbers living in the nearby mountains.
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Snappy dialogue, quick action sequences which are quite believeable, plots that are not outlandish but still interesting, and a writing style that just says "read me". There may be a lot demanding you to read the series but there is nothing that would make you regret the time. They are enjoyable for those reasons but also for the fact that Belcourt is an agent who doesn't try to be one or try not to be one or is sorry he is one. He's a producer who spies once in a while.

He also likes the occasional starlet but I ask you, who wouldn't? I mean, if they really really really want the role in the movie, what red-blooded American (or British or Canadian or anything else for that matter) wouldn't be willing to listen?


My Grade: B


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