Justin Perry is an assassin for the CIA.
He was the son of an air force general and a wealthy socialite. His young life would have been perfect except for an overbearing and cold mother but even so, he enjoyed his status. He attended the best schools and entered the same service his father was in.
While in Vietnam, he and a colleague were ambushed by a platoon of Viet Cong. Seeing his companion blown apart in a mortar blast, Perry took a machine gun away from one of the enemy and eliminated the rest in short order. Medals, accolades and a promotion followed and soon Perry was home, working at the Pentagon with the rank of Colonel.
It was where there that he met his future wife, courted her, married, and settled down into a wonderful life. Soon a son followed and the next ten years seemed as good as they could be.
Then his wife stumbled on a plot to interfere with the air defense system of the U.S., she was murdered trying to pass on the information, and Perry's life was totally shattered.
Perry is described as tall and lean with thick black hair and deep blue eyes. His eyebrows have no separation and form an unbroken line. Adding an aquiline nose and bronzed skin with a handsome face and Perry presents an appealing but somewhat unthreatening appearance to both men and women. The latter is totally misleading.
The main enemy that Perry faces is SADIF - an international group of zealots eager to restore the security of fascism to their people, the Sons And Daughters In Freedom have a wide range of hate from democracy to communism, with severe racism always playing a part. It is to fight SADIF that the CIA's Special Assignments Division chiefly exists.