ghosh_aadi_bk_debt ghosh_aadi_bk_eye ghosh_aadi_bk_quest
Full Name: Aaditya Ghosh
Series Name: A 7even Series Thriller
Nationality: Indian
Organization: None
Occupation Former Soldier

Creator: Mainak Dhar
Time Span: -


Aaditya Ghosh is a former Special Forces soldier in the Indian Army.

He is not a spy and is not interested in being one. He is, as stated, a former soldier and would have loved to still be one but life's decisions had made that impossible. When we meet him, he is employed by a US company in India specializing in outsourcing services. His position there was as a senior manager and he is very grateful to have been given the job just a couple of years ago. He is also extremely bored with his 9-5 job. It might be less than exciting but it pays the bills and for that, Ghosh is grateful.

A bit of the back-history on Ghosh's previous life is told to us in a very unfriendly way by a talking head on a news program who recounts, "Major Aaditya Ghosh was a member of the crack paracommandos of the Indian Army, and together with many of his colleagues was under investigation for the deaths of several children in an unauthorized cross-border raid that the Pakistani authorities had complained to our government about. Some of his commanding officers resigned. He himself left the Army under intense scrutiny." What was not said by this man not so well briefed was that the 'children' were young men just barely still in their teens who had crossed into India to commit truly horrendous crimes and then fled back to Pakistan thinking themselves safe. They weren't innocent kids as the bleeding heart commentator described them and they definitely weren't safe like they had assumed. Unfortunately for Ghost, since the hunt and execution of these murderers were not officially sanctioned, Ghosh and his fellow soldiers were soon out of a job with little prospects.

Ghosh's adventures qualify for inclusion in this compendium because circumstances push him into situations where his instincts and his training make him unable to not get involved. That will result in this 6'2", fairly handsome man again going up against foreign terrorists - and even some domestic ones - and fighting for his life and those of his loved ones.

A terrific description of such a circumstance is shown in the opening lines of the first adventure: "You figure your movie date won't end well when the man in front of you gets shot."

Good Lines:
- Said by Ghosh about the Intelligence man recruiting him for a job, "I have learned not to trust any bureaucrat or spy. And, he ticks both boxes."


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2018
Last Appearance:2022

1 Sniper's Eye Sniper's Eye
Written by Mainak Dhar
Copyright: 2018

"You figure your movie date won’t end well when the man in front of you gets shot. I’m out on a date with my girlfriend, and everything is perfect…till that shot. A high-calibre bullet. No apparent sound. A rifle with a suppressor. A sniper in the middle of a mall! As the body count mounts and I get sucked in deeper into the chaos that is unleashed by that shot, I find myself confronting many deadly enemies. To survive, and save those I care about most, I need to tap into a bloody past I thought I had left behind."
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2 Sniper's Debt Sniper's Debt
Written by Mainak Dhar
Copyright: 2020

"You know your vacation won’t end well when the guy behind you tries to be a hero and ends up dead. Hijackers? On a flight to Paris? Passengers are dying. I am next in line, and things are not adding up. The jihadis claim to be Daesh, speak English and whistle to the tune of Stand by Me. To survive and save my family I have no choice but to tap into my violent past."
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3 Sniper's Quest Sniper's Quest
Written by Mainak Dhar
Copyright: 2022

"You figure you don’t have a normal office job when your latest business trip brings you face to face with brutal pirates in the South China Sea. With a wife and young son, I have no desire to embark on adventures of the sort I had found myself embroiled in during terror attacks in Mumbai and later in Afghanistan. All that changes when I meet a hostage released by the pirates. A woman who has a stunning message for me."
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I really, really enjoyed this series. Very well written with some highly interesting characters and a plot that deals with an area of the world I wished I knew more about.

This makes two series by this author I have liked a bunch. He wrote this one first and has since moved on to the second but ... who knows! He might come back to it.

One last thing. I do not have any idea whatsoever what the "7even" in the series title means. I looked - a lot - and came up with nothing. My old Intelligence analyst abilities have failed me.


My Grade: -


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