unit22_bk_3rdsurvivor unit22_bk_5thfanatic unit22_bk_2ndfugitive unit22_bk_1stassassin unit22_bk_4thtraitor
Full Name: Aaditya Sen
Nationality: Indian
Organization: Unit 22
Occupation Agent

Creator: Mainak Dhar
Time Span: 2022 - 2024


Aaditya Sen is an agent with Unit 22.

This is part of the Indian Intelligence community, a subset of the larger Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) which is the foreign intelligence agency of that large, populous nation.

A pretty decent short explanation of both Unit 22 and Sen's role in it comes from the man himself as he tells us, "I once worked for the government, in another part of the R&AW not too many people hear of. I had been a part of the Special Group, a unit within the Special Frontier Force, what we used to call '22'. I had spent years riding into missions that never officially happened, killing enemies we never officially killed. They gave me a bunch of medals, partly for doing my job well, mostly to keep my mouth shut. After my last mission, they wanted me to keep working in the office in Delhi, perhaps to genuinely help me, or perhaps to just keep me from being a PR nightmare if I did something stupid like blow my head off. On the face of it, it was all good. I had some people who cared about me, a job to do, people who depended on me".

He also had, as we quickly find out at the beginning of the first recorded adventure, a boss who not only did not care anything about Sen, he hated that Sen was assigned to his division - not the most auspicious working environment. Luckily for Sen, and us readers, he will not be sitting this desk for long.

Good Lines:
- Written about Sen, "My smile disappeared, replaced by a look that many men had seen, usually just before I killed them".


Number of Books:5
First Appearance:2022
Last Appearance:2024

1 The 1st Assassin The 1st Assassin
Written by Mainak Dhar
Copyright: 2022

"I once worked for the government, going into missions that never officially happened, killing enemies we never officially killed. They gave me a bunch of medals, partly for doing my job well, mostly to keep my mouth shut. I still work for the government, but now I ride a desk, barely tolerated by my boss, barely tolerating myself. My world is turned upside down when I am put on a task force investigating an assassination plot against the US President. Nothing is as it seems, the enemy always seems to be one step ahead of us, and I must keep myself and those I care about alive long enough to get to the bottom of this conspiracy."
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2 The 2nd Fugitive The 2nd Fugitive
Written by Mainak Dhar
Copyright: 2022

"My bosses tell me that I can now sit at a desk and not worry about killing people anymore. They tell me my latest mission is simple- babysit a gangster who is being extradited back from Dubai to face justice. It ends up being anything but simple when I realise powerful forces are at work to kill him before he can spill his secrets. To complicate matters, a beautiful stranger on the run decides I’m her ticket to freedom. To complete my mission and get her to safety, I have the small matter of getting past ISIS gunmen, Pakistani commandos, Saudi assassins and the Russian mob."
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3 The 3rd Survivor The 3rd Survivor
Written by Mainak Dhar
Copyright: 2023

"We are Unit 22. We ride into missions that never officially happened, killing enemies we never officially killed. When one of our operations attracts media scrutiny, we’re sent to a remote base till things cool down. We are soon back in action when we are called upon for a special mission to extract an asset in a cross-border operation. However, when we come upon the scene of a massacre, we realize one of the survivors is more than just a government asset. The fate of nations hangs on getting her to safety."
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4 The 4th Traitor The 4th Traitor
Written by Mainak Dhar
Copyright: 2023

"We are Unit 22. We ride into missions that never officially happened, killing enemies we never officially killed. We are sent to an island paradise on what our bosses tell us will be a simple training and liaison job, one where we are more likely to put on beach shorts than body armor. It ends up being anything but simple when attackers mount a bloody coup against the government and we are caught in the middle."
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5 The 5th Fanatic The 5th Fanatic
Written by Mainak Dhar
Copyright: 2024

"I’m about to become an unemployed veteran. I may have been unbeaten on the battlefield, but I’m bested in the boardroom, as a change in political leadership means I and my team are side-lined and disgraced. When I interrupt a terror attack and capture an attacker, I discover that many powerful people prefer him dead. I end up being hunted by formidable enemies, hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned."
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