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Full Name: Allen Stevens
Nationality: American
Organization: The Committee
Occupation Agent

Creator: Bill Shuey
Time Span: 2022 - 2024


Allen Stevens is an agent with The Committee.

That is how most of the people who are aware of this extremely secret American government "department", and they are few, refer to it; its full name, one not to be found on any official budget, is The Committee to Protect America, or CPA. It was formed by an unnamed U.S. President a few decades ago and has operated in the background for quite a while. "The Committee was to be a five-person group... The actual individuals on The Committee were to be secret and appointed from different walks of life by the President. The function of The Committee was to commission assassinations and other initiatives that weren't allowed by federal law. Later presidents would deny any knowledge of any such meeting or group. Plausible deniability ... is what allows clandestine operations to function".

As mentioned, the exact Chief Executive is not revealed but since we watch as Stevens becomes one of the Committee's operatives and he was recruited at age 20 into the organization in 1961, we can assumed it was Kennedy or before.

Stevens becomes noticed as a potential agent while in boot camp for the Air Force where he showed impressive skills in a wide range, testing near the top in several exams and being able to complete "every physical and mental test without difficulty" including showing a mastery at the firing range. He was also found to be "undisciplined and combative". His independent nature would not change much over time.

Stevens' work for the Committee was the elimination of targets its leaders considered dangers to the country, including some very high up in elected office. We will watch as Stevens and his fellow agents carry out these removals with very little questioning. Why does not matter much to Stevens, only who, how, and when.

Good Lines:
- Said by his Committee recruiter when the concept of the Committee was explained to him: "What you have just been told is complete nonsense, but you might want to consider it Gospel".
- Said by an instructor, "In this business people die and it's not always the bad guy".


Number of Books:7
First Appearance:2022
Last Appearance:2024

1 The Problem Solver The Problem Solver
Written by Bill Shuey
Copyright: 2022

Allen Stevens "and a female operative help a Russian defector escape from Hungary. Stevens assassinates an American spy who works at the Naval Research Laboratory, a drug lord in Columbia, terrorist brothers routing money to the PLO, and a Russian GRU agent who knew too much. His last mission is to Cambodia to kill an American who is a gun importer and supplier for the Russians and North Vietnamese. He’s wounded during the mission and his survival becomes uncertain."
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2 The Scorpion The Scorpion
Written by Bill Shuey
Copyright: 2022

The Gomez drug cartel wants Allen Stevens dead. They send several assassins to do the job and when they fail, the international hitman called The Scorpion is brought in.
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3 The Solution The Solution
Written by Bill Shuey
Copyright: 2022

"Allen Stevens is summoned to a meeting at a cabin in the mountains of Virginia. After a briefing, he and three former Navy SEALs are given the opportunity to exterminate some of Washington, D.C.s most corrupt politicians. After weighing the dangers of the operation, the four men accept the mission."
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4 The Dead Zones The Dead Zones
Written by Bill Shuey
Copyright: 2023

Allen Stevens has two extremely difficult missions back to back. The first is to terminate an American arms dealer in Veracruz, Mexico. The next is to stop other arms deals in Vietnam.
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5 The SAD Operations The SAD Operations
Written by Bill Shuey
Copyright: 2023

Allen Stevens goes up against Egyptian terrorists impersonating Israeli soldiers and then to Nicaragua to help rescue two doctors. Back home, trouble is also brewing.
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6 By Presidential Sanction By Presidential Sanction
Written by Bill Shuey
Copyright: 2023

Allan Stevens is promoted to lead The Committee. His first two missions to lead is to stop assassination plots against the current US President and against the Pope.
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7 The Red Dragon's Eye The Red Dragon's Eye
Written by Bill Shuey
Copyright: 2024

"Allen is approached by a Chinese man who threatens his family in order to intimidate him into providing classified information to the Chinese espionage agency. When Allen refuses, assassins are sent to his mountain home to kill his family."
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