mercury_anna_cb_ultraspacial mercury_anna_cb_cutter
Full Name: Anna Louise Britton
Codename: Anna Mercury
Nationality: British
Organization: British Intelligence
Occupation Agent

Creator: Warren Ellis
Time Span: 2008 - 2009


Anna Mercury is an agent with British Intelligence.

Sort of. Actually the organization for which she works is "the UK branch of the Constellation Project" but since that requires a whole lot of explanation, some of which I actually understand, it is easier to lump the group as part of the Intelligence community (actually the Ministry of Defense). Certainly they operate in much the same way, gathering intel, analyzing data, coming up with possible avenues of action, and then implementing directed policy. It is just the places in which this is all taking place just might be imaginary. Huh?

As the current director explains to a new Prime Minister in for his initial briefing, "Nine half-constructed worlds hanging in invisible orbit around Earth. All of which have human beings living on them. None of whom are aware of the other worlds or the existence of Earth. This constitutes the greatest mystery, and the greatest secret, of our time." It is easy to understand the some PM's have trouble grasping things.

"This constellation, as we call it, was discovered in 1943 by the Yanks." Each of the G-8 nations are aware of these other worlds and have stations in place to send people from our world over to them and sometimes even bring them back without exploding - yeah, that is a problem.

The very best operative that the UK has in making it onto these other worlds and getting back with dying or going totally bonkers is Anna Louise Britton, an athletic woman likely in her late 20s with shaggy red hair cut short above the neck. She is shown to have an all-too-normal life complete with routine subway rides to work but once there and needed to transition to one of these worlds, she dons very impressive high-tech skin-tight form-fitting clothing and a wig of very long, very wild, ultra-attention getting bright-red hair. Many people seeing her use these gadgets on the other worlds accomplishing super-hero-ish stunts (think Daredevil or Lara Croft) are able to convince themselves she is not real.

As she goes about her missions, making use of cells of informants and assistants, she uses the codename of Anna Mercury.


Number of Stories:2
First Appearance:2008
Last Appearance:2009

1 Anna Mercury - The Cutter Anna Mercury - The Cutter
Published by Avatar Press
Contributors: Warren Ellis (author), Facundo Percio (pencils and inks), Greg Waller (colors)
Copyright: 2008

Trade-paperback containing the issues Anna Mercury #1-#5 (March - December 2008). 
In the city of New Ataraxia, British agent Anna Mercury must destroy a heavily guard missile on an impossible to penetrate floating facility before the government can use it to subjugate a rival city-state.

2 Anna Mercury - Ultraspacial Dreadnought Vanaheim Anna Mercury - Ultraspacial Dreadnought Vanaheim
Published by Avatar Press
Contributors: Warren Ellis (author), Facundo Percio (pencils and inks), Digikore Studios (colors)
Copyright: 2009

Trade-paperback containing the issues Anna Mercury 2 #1-#3 (May - December 2009). 
One of the constellation worlds that has not been studied very well has found a way to send a capsule to Earth. Who on that world did it and what their overall purpose is remains unknown which is why Anna Mercury is sent to get the answers.




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