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Full Name: Nate Hendrix
Nationality: American
Organization: CIA
Occupation Former Agent

Creator: J. T. Sawyer
Time Span: 2023 - 2024


Nathan 'Nate' Hendrix is a former agent with the CIA.

When we first meet him, in a flashback five years to an operation in West Africa, he is leading a fair sized team of paramilitary operatives taking out a mercenary-led militia belonging to a very nasty mining corporation. A key takeaway from this adventure is a statement that "His tattered clothing and mud-encrusted boots were as worn out as he was from years of jungle living"; Hendrix has been doing this sort of work for a long time and that weighs on a person.

Returning to the present time, we find Hendrix living a very peaceful and enjoyable life in Blayne, Utah, just northwest of Four Corners, under the name of Nick Mercer. His line of work has changed dramatically to that of a furniture craftsman; he is admiring a custom kitchen table when we start following him. As it sounds, his life is mundane and fairly serene, a far cry from the hellishness of his work for the Agency and something far better suited for his psyche.

Unfortunately, when he was doing the missions in years before, he had made a fair number of enemies who still harbor considerably bad feelings towards him and, when a leak occurs revealing his new identity and location, his peaceful world comes to an abrupt end and Mercer has to return to being Hendrix which is unfortunate for him and decidedly unpleasant for those coming after him.

In truth, though, it is pretty obvious that Hendrix, despite the truly felt desire for a peaceful existence, is a man of action which is a very good thing because as we discover following him, wherever he goes, there seems to be trouble that needs handling and Hendrix is very adept at handling it, which makes it no wonder that some folks at Langley who know just how good Hendrix is, keep tabs on him for those occasions when someone like him is needed.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2023
Last Appearance:2024

1 Escape & Evade Escape & Evade
Written by J. T. Sawyer
Copyright: 2023

"After a document forger is captured by authorities in Indonesia, Nick Mercer’s aliases are eventually leaked to a powerful diamond broker with ties to Mercer’s past with the CIA in West Africa—a man who is willing to stop at nothing to hunt down the former agent. When a crew of private contractors disguised as FBI agents arrives in Blayne, Mercer discovers his primary escape route along the highway in southeastern Utah is cut off. Now, he must evade on foot through miles of rugged canyons. With seasoned assassins and a CIA grab team closing in, Nick Mercer must rekindle old survival skills to outrun them…and his past."
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2 Trigger Effect Trigger Effect
Written by J. T. Sawyer
Copyright: 2023

"After spending several carefree months sailing around the Caribbean, former CIA officer Nate Hendrix heads to Colombia after an old friend requests his help with a simple hand-off of critical evidence regarding a cartel trafficking ring that has ties to a US pharmaceutical corporation. Within hours of arriving in Bogota, the mission goes from retrieval to extraction when Nate is targeted by assassins after discovering the cartel’s operations extend all the way to a key player in Washington."
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3 Vendetta Vendetta
Written by J. T. Sawyer
Copyright: 2024

"What was supposed to be a scientific trip to a jungle preserve in Nicaragua for Nate Hendrix and his friends quickly turns into a treacherous battle to stay alive after mercenaries descend on the research station looking for evidence found at a recently discovered helicopter crash site. Relying on his training in covert operations, Nate thwarts the attackers and helps his group escape the onslaught. Little does he realize his actions will create a chain of events and a firestorm of revenge that eventually follows him back home to Costa Rica."
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