sarah_n_simon_ya_phoenix sarah_n_simon_ya_hackers sarah_n_simon_ya_sevencarat
Full Name: Sarah & Simon
Nationality: American
Organization: DAAAD
Occupation Agent

Creator: Terri Selting David
Time Span: 2023 - 2023


Sarah and Simon are agents of DAAAD.

Agents-in-Training, to be more exact although as we initially encounter them in the first recorded adventure, they hope they are about to get their first mission off-island showing that training is nearly over. Sarah complains before they are told about the upcoming assignment, "does DAAAD trust us to actually go out on a mission? No. No, they do not. They treat us like children. What's the use of having amazing skills if we can't get out there, right? All we do is train. We're like circus animals, performing inside a show ring".

First, a tad about DAAAD. It is a (?private?) intelligence organization performing assignments on demand all over the world. Its base of operation is an island - apparently a decent sized one complete with a moderately active volcano. Its full name is the Disinformation Assessment and Administration Department, a title that does not really tell us all that much about the group.

Sarah and Simon tell us they 'belong' to DAAAD and that they never knew who their parents were - they wonder if they even had legitimate parents. The volcanic island mentioned has been their home since the day they were born. That birth was 17 years before the day we meet them, to the day. It is their birthday, or at least that is what they have been told and they choose to believe it. "We don't have any birth certificates in any database anywhere, but there's no reason to doubt what we've been told about our birth. I mean, we're obviously twins; the same thick, dark hair, the same brown eyes, the same long, straight noses and wide chins, and the same olive-toned skin.

Sarah is the older of the twins by nine minutes and she makes sure everyone who matters knows it. According to Simon, she lives her life like she's the star of an action movie. Sarah, who never fails at anything. Sarah, who would throw herself on top of a grenade for me, but won't share her sandwich. We've always been together and always will be. I'd follow her anywhere".

Simon is the less adventurous one - although not by a whole lot. He thinks of himself more of a poet and a gadget-man, coming up with improvements and enhancements to the really cool stuff that DAAAD comes up with.

They have a YouTube channel - rather unusual for people wanting to be 'secret agents' - but to be fair, they keep their identities hidden. It is named CrazyStutz and they have had it since they were 12. It not only gives them something to blow off their energy but they also find it a great way to use their "well-honed spy skills". These two have a lot of excess energy to dispel - all preparing and eagerly awaiting the day of their first mission.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2023
Last Appearance:2023

1 The Phoenix Plan The Phoenix Plan
Written by Terri Selting David
Copyright: 2023

"They’ve been training to be spies their whole lives and are ready for adventure. Strong, determined Sarah yearns to prove her worth as a top-notch agent, while intuitive, artistic Simon dreams of exotic wonders like street tacos and single family homes. The only problem? Their first assignment isn’t exactly what they hoped for. Sent to silence some internet rumors that pose a national-security risk, the twins are plunged into a world of intrigue and danger where everyone is keeping secrets. What’s really behind the mysterious activity in Colorado Springs?"
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2 The Seven-Carat Conundrum The Seven-Carat Conundrum
Written by Terri Selting David
Copyright: 2023

"Conspiracies swirl around the king of Oublie Toire, a French colony forgotten and abandoned during the chaotic Revolution. For two and a half centuries, Oublie Toire has thrived in isolation, inventing groundbreaking scientific discoveries to transform its desert terrain into fertile land. The kind of discoveries people kill for. Now, the island wants its independence… while France has never had more reason to hang on to it. The rumors about the king could give France the leverage it needs to destabilize the delicate treaty he has negotiated, and only the prince and the mysterious crown jewels stand in the way of a total collapse of negotiations. But soon, [Sarah & Simon} uncover an even greater threat, one that no one else suspects."
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3 The Hacker's Heist The Hacker's Heist
Written by Terri Selting David
Copyright: 2023

"The fate of civilization as we know it hangs in the balance. All Sarah and Simon have to do is keep their teammates from killing each other, get Simon to commit to the job, face down security, paranoid CEOs, and wild sea lions, and, oh yeah, somehow steal the data that could save the world. So, good luck with that."
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When I started reading about these two, I was reminded of my older sister and I getting into all sorts of crazy stuff while growing up on the farm and later when as teens we moved to the city. Mind you, we never did any thing like the stuff Sarah and Simon get up to and we definitely were not in training to be undercover operatives. Still, the empathic feelings were there. All to say that I really liked the pair, even the bossy older sibling.

These are very fun adventures designed for teenage readers and the author has done an excellent job with them while also making the stories interesting enough to entertain someone way past the demographic age.


My Grade: B+


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