meyer_blake_bk_30days meyer_blake_bk_triple meyer_blake_bk_clock meyer_blake_bk_tide
Full Name: Blake Meyer
Nationality: American
Organization: FBI
Occupation Agent

Creator: C. Kevin Thompson
Time Span: 2014 - 2024




Number of Books:4
First Appearance:2014
Last Appearance:2024

1 30 Days Hath Revenge 30 Days Hath Revenge
Written by C. Kevin Thompson
Copyright: 2014

"Blake Meyer dreamed of a peaceful end to a dutiful career with the FBI. Married now, his life was taking him in a new direction—a desk job. He would be an analyst. Ride it out until retirement. Be safe so he could enjoy his family life. But when a notable member of the IRA is murdered in his London flat, Blake’s secretive past propels him into the middle of an international scheme so twisted and sadistic, it will take everything Blake possesses—all of it—to save the United States from a diabolical terrorist attack."
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2 Triple Time Triple Time
Written by C. Kevin Thompson
Copyright: 2017

"Supervisory Special Agent Blake Meyer has an impossible choice to make. After thwarting a massive biological attack on the continental United States, the contagion is still missing and in the hands of the enemy. So is his family. Abducted as an act of revenge. The clock is ticking, and the chances of finding his wife and children wane with every passing second. The assassin behind it holds all the answers. Or does she?"
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3 The Tide of Times The Tide of Times
Written by C. Kevin Thompson
Copyright: 2017

"Supervisory Special Agent Blake Meyer is at an impasse. Bound and beaten in a dilapidated warehouse halfway around the world, Blake finds himself listening to an unbelievable story. Right and wrong warp into a despicable clash of ideologies. Life quickly becomes neither black nor white. Nor is it red, white, and blue anymore. Every second brings the contagion’s release closer, promising to drag the United States into the Dark Ages. Every moment adds miles and hours to the expanding gulf between him and his family. What is he to believe? Who is he to trust?"
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4 When the Clock Strikes Fourteen When the Clock Strikes Fourteen
Written by C. Kevin Thompson
Copyright: 2024

"When he got married, Supervisory Special Agent Blake Meyer worried that shielding his family from his past would prove to be formidable. Now, as precious time ticks away, Blake finds himself flying over the ocean at twenty thousand feet, searching for his family, and watching helplessly as his greatest fear wraps its tentacles around his past, present, and future, inextricably weaving them into a deadly game of vengeance. With the help of his longtime friend, Harrison Kelly, and a small band of soldiers, Blake sets out to rescue the only people he has ever, truly loved…before it’s too late."
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