Full Name: Gina Meyer
Nationality: British
Organization: MI666
Occupation Agent

Creator: Cavan Scott
Time Span: 2021 - 2021


Gina Meyer is an agent with Shadow Service.

Actually, Shadow Service seems to be a nickname of sorts for an ultra-secret British intelligence agency more properly known as MI666.

Okay, fact time - the head of the organization does not like that last name, either. He, a short little fellow who reminds Meyer (and me) or Little Lord Fauntleroy, calls the department Section 26, "an organization committed to the preternatural defense of the United Kingdom". He calls himself Hex.

We are told a great deal about Meyer and the organization in a blurb for the first set of recorded adventures: "Gina Meyer is a Private Investigator who makes her living in the underbelly of London. She's also a witch. Not the cutesy kind. The terrifying kind. Witchcraft meets spycraft, when a shadowy government organization abducts Gina. BLACK MAGIC MEETS BLACK OPS. Worried your partner is cheating? Need a missing person found? Gina Meyer is the Private Investigator for you. Sure, she's a witch who worries that her powers make her more of a monster than the crooks she's trying to catch, but it's not like London's criminal underworld is literally going to hell... is it?"

Meyer, when we meet her for the first time, is, as indicated, working as a private investigator working in London. It is modern times and we are watching her walk down a street at night thinking, "I never wanted to be a private detective. Just sort of fell into the job. Finding people. Uncovering dirty little secrets. Someone's got to do it. So why not me?" She is an attractive woman likely in her mid-20s with long, lush dark hair typically kept in a ponytail. She prefers relaxed clothing like jeans and a loose top with a hooded jacket when weather requires. Other than her chosen profession, she seems like a normal individual.++++++++++++++++

Except most normals do not have a rat named Edwin ('Eddie') as a familiar. Yep, as in Meyer is a witch. With some pretty amazing and really scary powers. Just ask her extremely abusive step-data (sort of). Except you can't because she used some of the words that she somehow knew and a very bad thing happened to him. Don't try asking her mother, either, because when she saw what happened, she took off screaming, abandoning the little girl of around 8

Now, two decades later, Meyer works often for a fellow named Quill on different assignments up until MI666 comes calling and snatches her up. And that is also where a very strange and dangerous life like she has had so far gets really, really strange and super dangerous. Think demons literally from Hell.

Good Lines:
- Said by Hex to Meyer, "It's time to wake up and smell the brimstone".


Number of Stories:3
First Appearance:2021
Last Appearance:2021

1 Shadow Service Vol. 1 Shadow Service Vol. 1
Published by Vault Comics
Contributors: Cavan Scott (writer), Corin Howell (artist), Triona Farrell (colors), Andworld (letters)
Copyright: 2021

A trade paperback containing Shadow Service #1-#5, August-December 2020. 




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