ambler_daniel_bk_endgame ambler_daniel_bk_dutycalls ambler_daniel_bk_eastern
Full Name: Daniel Ambler
Nationality: British
Organization: MI6
Occupation Other - Author

Creator: Thomas Waugh
Time Span: 2023 - 2024


Daniel Ambler is an author.

More importantly and specifically, he is a spy novelist and apparently successful enough that he is famous enough to be asked to speak at important functions. Amusingly, as we meet him in the first recorded adventure, he tells a friend about a recent speaking engagement at a university cancelled because a few pro-Palestinian students objected to a Jewish author being allowed to give a talk at their school - the amusing part coming from the fact that their labeling him as Jewish came from his first name totally ignoring the fact that he is a lapsed Catholic. Ambler might be annoyed at such mistakes but he is neither angered nor surprised by them. He reminds his friend that Lenin once referred to college professors and their students as "useful idiots".

... more to come


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2023
Last Appearance:2024

1 Duty Calls Duty Calls
Written by Thomas Waugh
Copyright: 2023

"London. 2021. Spy novelist, Daniel Ambler, is invited to lunch by an old college acquaintance, Simon Birch - who now works for MI6. Yevgeny Vetrov, a Russian oligarch, has made an offer to British intelligence. Vetrov claims to possess files containing compromising information relating to Viktor Rybin, one of the Russian President's closest advisers. But Vetrov, who now lives in Cuba, has stipulated that he will only pass on the intelligence in person to Ambler, a trusted friend. The author, believing that he might finally be able to do some good in the world and make a difference, accepts the invitation. He is briefed, trained and arranges his trip to Havana. But there is every possibility that Ambler may not make his flight. The writer is being stalked across the capital - and the only thing standing in between the hunters and their quarry is James Marshal, the author's driver - a former soldier."
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2 Eastern Approaches Eastern Approaches
Written by Thomas Waugh
Copyright: 2023

"London, 2022. Daniel Ambler, spy novelist, has been invited to the Fifth Annual Graham Greene Conference. But the author will not just be giving a speech at the event. Ambler has been instructed by MI6 to make an approach to his friend Konstantin Livanov. Andrew Knight, the new head of the Russia desk, is interested in recruiting the bestselling writer as an asset. The mission seems simple, but things become complicated when Ambler discovers that a bug has been planted in his room. Is Ambler now the target of an operation, rather than merely a go-between? The conference is playing host to a number of suspect figures, including former and current communists, writers with a grudge against Ambler - and a UK politician, Julian Sloan. Has the author been written into a plot of one of his novels or is it all in his mind?"
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3 Endgame Endgame
Written by Thomas Waugh
Copyright: 2024

"London, 2023. Daniel Ambler is asked by MI6 to re-connect with Natasha Guseva, an old flame. Natasha is the former fiancé of Valentin Orlov, a Russian oligarch .. recently killed in a helicopter crash [who] had links to both the FSB and criminal underworld. Ambler must discover if Natasha is still in possession of Orlov's assets. Assets which the British security services would like to appropriate, before the Kremlin can."
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