valentine_braxton_nv_steelheart valentine_braxton_nv_lotuscircle
Full Name: Braxton Valentine
Nationality: American
Organization: Phoenix Agency
Occupation Agent

Creator: Jordan Dane
Time Span: 2018 - 2018


Braxton 'Brax' Valentine is an agent with the Phoenix Agency.

He is an unwilling operative, if the truth be told. He had no desire to go to work for them but, as we are told in a blurb about the first recorded adventure, Former covert operative, Braxton Valentine, is on a train to Los Angeles with his fiancée to meet her parents for the first time. He's given up his dangerous job to start a new life with the woman he loves, but on a scheduled stop in El Paso, two shady men board the train. Brax fears the suspicious men have targeted him for revenge from a past mission and his primal instincts kick in. With his fiancée and other innocents onboard, he's forced into a terrible choice. Operating in the shadows, Mia Romeo and the Phoenix Agency ruthlessly use Brax as unwitting bait to lure a deadly cartel boss from hiding, but grief-stricken Valentine becomes their worst nightmare-a rogue operative with a death wish."

About the Phoenix Agency, we are told in an intro that it is "a covert and high concept security agency, whose partners have served their country in every branch of the military - Army Delta Force, SEALs, Air Force, Marines.  Risen from the ashes of war, they continue to fight the battle on all fronts. They are Phoenix". The most interesting aspect of this organization is the fact that they have funded, under the control of the Mia Romeo mentioned before, a division devoted to the use of paranormal abilities to accomplish whatever mission they were given. Telepathy, telekinesis, foresight, and others; each of the members of her section had a unique gift  or an unusual manifestation of a gift. Romeo had learned the hard way that these extra abilities were not foolproof and some hiccups had caused her to work extra hard to keep the project going. Valentine will learn that he, too, had a gift and Phoenix is determined to make use of it, whether he agrees or not.

Valentine was for many years an operative with the CIA black-ops division, doing very dangerous things against very dangerous people all without letting the rest of the world knowing who prevented what. He was very, very good at it but over time the work had cost him. He had no family and his only friends were his fellow ops. "In Brax's universe, women didn't always stick. He'd been told more than once that he had a loner streak and that his years in covert ops with the CIA had left its mark". When he met in bar the beautiful Raine, he was certain he had found his soulmate and the reason to give up his career for something safer and more permanent. Unfortunately, through events not of his choosing or doing, that life he hoped for would not happen.

And now Valentine is back doing black-ops again although this time his motive is vengeance. What the motive of the Phoenix Agency is for certain is debatable.


Number of Stories:2
First Appearance:2018
Last Appearance:2018

In 2011, author Desiree Holt created a series of romantic suspense adventures based around the Phoenix Agency and its paranormal division led by the very interesting Mia Romeo. She penned six books created the group and its cast of fascinating characters.

She then moved her writing skills to other subjects but she did authorize the creation of the Phoenix Agency Universe in which other authors would, I assume under her direction, bring in other characters and new challenges, most if not all including the capable Mia Romeo.

Jordan Dane was one of those authors and her contribution was these two tales of Braxton Valentine.

1 Valentine: Steel Heart Valentine: Steel Heart
Written by Jordan Dane
Copyright: 2018

Valentine averts a massacre on a train with his quick action, but after his fiancée is killed, the police can’t find the mystery shooter who took her life and the cartel behind it all is bent on revenge. Enter Mia Romeo and the Phoenix Agency.
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2 Valentine and the Lotus Circle Valentine and the Lotus Circle
Written by Jordan Dane
Copyright: 2018

Braxton Valentine "has to look up to see rock bottom. After recovering from a gunshot wound, he's grieving and riddled with guilt over [his fiancée's] death. The Phoenix Agency wants to recruit him for his black ops skills and his unprecedented psychic ability, but he's a loner and an angry one-man wrecking crew who is about to be booted off the team." Mia Romeo brings in a mysterious woman from the ancient order of the Lotus Circle to break through his psychic defenses, but Clarity Tremaine has an agenda of her own.
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