Agent Bennet is an agent with the Orphanage.
That is what the young members of the organization call it and it is apt by way of being totally honest. It is an orphanage, though its inhabitants are specially tested and appraised for whatever skills they had or could be taught to make them excellent agents for this private security firm. From the time each of them was five, their schooling would be tailored to making them operative worthy of handling more complicated assignments as they got older. This is no small operation for while each year would see a new class of only around 8 children joining the instruction, having that many in classes for ages 5 - 17 meant there were nearly 200 orphan/students in attendance.
We learn that this "agency" which had been around for a very long time was international; there were 4 orphanages around the world. Each has their own way of doing things and of procuring their students but they all shared the same concept of getting children when they are young, figuring how best to use them, and then training them in both the standard matters of spycraft and in their specialty.
Bennet is unique at this facility in that he and his twin brother Collin were the only twins the organization had every taken. They have been with the Orphanage since their parents died in a car crash when they were very little so the Orphanage is all they ever knew. They were extremely happy there and had never thought of living anywhere else, though now that they were 16, they had started to think what they might do when they graduated. Collin was planning to stay in the espionage business, working for the organization as an adult as many of the graduates did. Bennet was pretty sure he would do the same but ...
Collin is a 'field', the term used for those who go in action and danger. Bennet was an 'earpiece', someone who stayed, to use the common expression now, "in the van" or back at HQ but monitored events and kept in constant contact with the field agent passing vital intel as the mission progressed. Both were extremely good at their jobs. And they made a terrific partnership. Until a mission went terribly bad.
The majority of the adventures we have deal only with a bereft Bennet and how he learns to cope with the loss and how he chose to change his life completely.