zakhov_bk_abductionofdanae zakhov_bk_against07 zakhov_bk_midnight zakhov_bk_lastadventure zakhov_bk_adogstory zakhov_bk_mission zakhov_bk_alittlenightmusic zakhov_bk_murderonchekhovstreet zakhov_bk_sleepingbeauty
Full Name: Avakum Zakhov
Nationality: Bulgarian
Organization: Bulgarian Secret Service
Occupation Agent

Creator: Andrei Gulyashki
Time Span: 1959 - 1985


Avakum Zakhov is an agent with the Bulgarian Secret Service.

What his full real name is, for Zakhov was only the 'pseudonym' assigned to him by the powers of that then communist nation's state security, I am not certain but Habakkuk is part of it as that is what his old friends call him when in private.

We learn a fair amount about this man from the first recorded adventure where we are told that he was a specialist in archaeology. After graduating from the University of Sofia with a degree in History, he went on to finish a postgraduate course in Moscow in epigraphy and "specialized in the restoration of archaeological objects". Once he returned from that capital, he went to work on a volunteer basis at the Archaeological Institute while managing "to graduate from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics in absentia, mastered the art of artistic photography and all photo-laboratory techniques". It was then that "one accidental circumstance made him a voluntary employee of the state security agencies". From then on, archaeology had to take a back seat to his work in the Secret Service, though he still loved to drop by the Institute and help out on occasion.

Zakhov is described as being 180 cm (5' 11") in height with "broad, strong shoulders, slightly inclined forward, long, heavy hands, [arms] slightly bent at the elbow". He has a "thin oblong face" with "a high forehead and an energetic chin" and "large gray-blue eyes". "When he studied the situation in which something happened that became the subject of his activity as a state security officer, asked to find someone's traces, these thoughtfully contemplative eyes immediately became stern. meticulously demanding, endlessly attentive even to barely noticeable details. At such moments, they seemed quite gray and coldly shone from under the half-lowered eyelids, like polished steel." He is just under 40 years of age.

In the unavoidable hype by publishers regarding the adventures of Zakhov, it is common to see references to his being the Bulgarian James Bond. He would even go up against that noted British operative, albeit with his name never being actually mentioned and all references to 007 having one 0 removed to make it simply '07'. In fact, however, Zakhov had far more similarity to another British fiction icon - Sherlock Holmes. Most of Zakhov's recorded missions dealt with him going up against some foreign spy or saboteur but it was often in the form of having to solve some mystery - usually a murder. Zakhov's approach to discovering the culprit(s) was quintessential Holmes. Zakhov noticed minute details and combined several to arrive at an astonishingly accurate deduction. He would have his occasional moments of physical altercations but they were not common for Zakhov fought mostly with his brain.

Similarly, while Holmes smoked a pipe while contemplating his clues and reached for a violin when either deeply perplexed or needing some solace, Zakhov enjoyed his own pipe of tobacco and reached for some ancient bone or artifact to clean or study. Both men remained steadfastly a bachelor but both did have one that got away.

Good Lines:
- Said by Zakhov, "There is an unwritten law in the world: beautiful women fall in love with a simpleton!"
- Fascinating albeit depressing description of Zakhov's demeanor is given by a close friend of 15 years: "Except the greater part of the day and the hours up to midnight, and the few hours after midnight when he sleeps - the rest of the time he is a fun and cheerful fellow."


Number of Books:10
First Appearance:1959
Last Appearance:1985

As you will see with most of the synopses below, I do not think most of the books penned by Andrei Gulyashki were published in English. Two I am certain were and maybe one or two more might have been.

I do know that searching the Web using the Bulgarian titles will present to the reader Google translations of the most of the books and while not quite as well as a trained translator might do, the translations are very impressive and readable.

1 The Zakhov Mission The Zakhov Mission
aka CounterIntelligence, aka The Momchilovo Affair
Written by Andrei Gulyashki
Copyright: 1959

In the village of Momchilovo, located at the very foot of Karabair, someone has broken into a military facility and stolen some secret blueprints and money, assaulting a gate guard in the processes. Both the day before and the night of the crime, short-wave radio broadcasts were detected near there. The prime suspect is a young male teacher and he is certain to take the fall for it except counter-espionage agent Avakum Zakhov has his doubts.

2 Midnight Adventure Midnight Adventure
Written by Andrei Gulyashki
Copyright: 1960

Not sure if this was published in English.
An epidemic of foot-and-mouth disease has struck livestock in a region of Bulgaria and to the surprise of everyone, the standard treatment does nothing. The reason for the call to Avakum Zakhov to investigate is because there is evidence the vaccine was sabotaged by foreign operatives.

3 Sleeping Beauty Sleeping Beauty
Written by Andrei Gulyashki
Copyright: 1961

Not sure if this was published in English.
Forced to take a much needed rest after that previous mission Avakum Zakhov meets and becomes close friends of a elderly professor named Naydenov and that man's beautiful niece, Marianna, an aspiring ballerina. The time is most pleasant for Zakhov until sinister forces enter the picture.

4 In A Rainy Autumn In A Rainy Autumn
Written by Andrei Gulyashki
Copyright: 1963

Not sure if this was published in English.
Ordered yet again to take a vacation, Avakum Zakhov is staying with an old military friend when he meets an old acquaintance, famed movie director Asen Kantarjiev and his fiancee. Zakhov also finds that nearby is a dead drop being used by a sabotage group that he is determined to catch.

5 A Little Night Music A Little Night Music
Written by Andrei Gulyashki
Copyright: 1965

Not sure if this was published in English.
[plot unknown]

6 Avvakum Zakhov Versus 07 Avvakum Zakhov Versus 07
Written by Andrei Gulyashki
Copyright: 1966

Word has reached Avakum Zakhov that legendary British secret agent codename 07 is coming to Bulgaria to kidnap the Soviet physicist Trofimov who has recently made a revolutionary discovery that can hand to the Soviets an invincible weapon. Zakhov is given the mission to stop him however necessary.

Note: in the Bulgarian version, Zakhov foils 07 and lets him go defeated. In the English version, Zakhov tosses 07 off a cliff to his assured doom.

7 The Last Adventure of Avvakum Zakhov The Last Adventure of Avvakum Zakhov
Written by Andrei Gulyashki
Copyright: 1976

Deals with Avakum Zakhov going up against a man carrying a terrible infectious virus. Zakhov has to chase him across the Middle East to India's border with China. At the end, Zakhov disappears and is presumed dead, feasting for eternity with the Gods.

8 The Abduction Of Danae The Abduction Of Danae
Written by Andrei Gulyashki
Copyright: 1978

Not sure if this was published in English.
Someone has stolen from a museum ?on loan? the priceless painting Danae painted in 1531 by Italian Renaissance artist Correggio. Avakum Zakhov is ordered to find the thief and retrieve the artwork.

9 Murder on Chekhov Street Murder on Chekhov Street
Written by Andrei Gulyashki
Copyright: 1985

Not sure if this was published in English.
The murder of the man on Chekhov Street is perplexing the entire police force such that they welcome the offered assistance of famed Avakum Zakhov.

10 A Dog Story A Dog Story
Written by Andrei Gulyashki
Copyright: 1985

Not sure if this was published in English.
Zakhov is called in right near his retirement to handle one final case, that of finding an amount of a bacillus virus - the Black Plague.


Number of Movies:1
First Appearance:1960
Last Appearance:1960

I read one entry on the web - and promptly lost it and could not find it again - that indicated there were three movies made in the 1960-1962 time frame dealing with Avakum Zakhov. I can find only the one listed below.

1 A Midnight Adventure A Midnight Adventure
Director: Anton Marinovich
Writers: Andrei Gulyashki, Anton Marinovich, Kiril Voinov
Actors: Lyubomir Dimitrov as Avakoum Zakhov, Vessela Radojeva as Irina
Released: 1960

"Abundant supplies of imported vaccine prove ineffective against an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease epidemic in several population centers. Warehouse manager Rashkov has been found dead. Major Zakhov has to investigate the case."


Number of Episodes:1
First Appearance:1980
Last Appearance:1980
Network:Bulgarian TV


I list only one 'episode' but I am meaning just one entry. I know very little about the Bulgarian television show mentioned here.

1 Adventures Of Avakum Zakhov
Guest Stars: Ivan Nalbantov as Avakum Zakhov, Nikolay Nikolaev as Anatasi Bukov

There were possibly as many as 13 episodes in what I believe to be the single season of television shows relating the adventures of Avakum Zakhov.
IMDb states: "This is a series of stories about a secret service man in Bulgaria in the era of the Cold War. The author gives us interesting cases of a detective who is somewhat a combination between Sherlock Holmes and James Bond with his confident friend the vet."


Our Mister (Gospodin) Zakhov is a somber fellow most of the time but still a fun chap to follow. He really does have a Holmesian flair to his methods and just as one would not read a Holmes mystery/adventure expecting a lot of fisticuff action, you should not look for a preponderance of that here. Zakhov is able to go a few rounds if needed but he would prefer not to.

Reading these tales written during the Soviet Bloc period is fascinating for what is there and what isn't. It is important to remember that these were State-authorized publications which meant that censors would have studied every word.


My Grade: B


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