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Full Name: Tag Finn
Nationality: American
Organization: CIA
Occupation Private Investigator

Creator: Lyle Christie
Time Span: 2013 - 2019


Tag Finn is a private investigator.

He was a spy. A few years ago he was an operative in very good standing with the CIA. Not any more.

"Five years ago, Tag Finn went on his final mission for the CIA's elite Special Activities Division. It had entailed smuggling a brilliant nuclear scientist named Farid Ardeshir out of Iran, but things got complicated when Iranian agents intercepted them in Istanbul, and Finn was ordered to terminate the scientist rather than let him fall back into enemy hands. Disenchanted with the Agency, he completed the assignment then walked away from a brilliant career in espionage to return home and become a lowly underpaid private investigator."

We will find Finn to be a very interesting man, which is both a compliment and a sideways jab.

He is interesting in that he gets involved in some pretty fascinating cases which call upon him to make use of his training with the Agency as well as the skills learned before that employment back when he was part of the Air Force's elite ParaRescue force.  That latter called upon him to leap from still operational aircraft to plunge to earth in search of people whose aircraft were no longer functioning and who found themselves often in the midst of very dangerous enemy out to do major bodily harm. That meant that Finn had to be very good at tracking, finding, and then defending those people while finding a way to get everyone to safety. Finn was very good at it until he was severely injured on a mission in Afghanistan and his days of plane-leaping came to an end. That is when the CIA came calling.

He is also interesting in that he seems, by his own words frequently uttered, to have a fascination with a common bodily function (though not so commonly or frequently mentioned) involving his bare backside and "the only friend who liked taking s**t more than giving it and had no problem kissing my a**". Finn mentions his visits to the porcelain fixture more than, well, anyone else I know. Granted, his words are not horribly descriptive but they are routinely produced. "My bathroom was my personal kingdom, the toilet my throne, and within these four walls I could relax, read, and reflect on life."

When we meet him he is plying his private eye work in Sausalito where he grew up and decided to return when he left the Agency. He lives aboard a houseboat which he says "added to my private investigator mystique", situated in a nice marina "on the fine line between the haves on the hill and the have-nots on the water". Despite the watery locale of his domicile, Finn is not swimming in case so he "pretty much took every job that came my way" and some of them are less than enjoyable. He will be pulled back to working for Langley on more than a couple occasions largely because it found using a trained man with a PI license useful.

Besides being scatologically inclined, Finn likes women. He also likes good food and really likes good booze but he is definitely hooked on women. I mean, he is not fixated on them. He just ... well, maybe he is. But he is a lot of fun being it.

Good Lines:
- Said by Finn, "I had lived by several rules during the course of my unusual life and one of the top three was not to get shot in the face ... by a complete a**hole".
- "Being a terrorist wasn't as much fun as the brochures made it out to be".


Number of Books:8
First Appearance:2013
Last Appearance:2019

1 Soft Taco Island Soft Taco Island
Written by Lyle Christie
Copyright: 2013

"A beautiful female CIA deep cover operative has been arrested and imprisoned on the oddly named Soft Taco Island, and the only person in the world who can rescue her is Tag Finn—a former Special Forces soldier and member of the CIA’s Elite Special Activities Division. The problem, however, is that Finn walked away from the CIA five years ago and vowed never to return, and, now, having left behind his exciting life as a spy, he has become a private investigator and spends his days working sordid divorce cases and finding the occasional lost pet—all the while watching in slow agony as his finances and spirit crumble in despair.
All that changes, however, when a beautiful stranger arrives on Finn’s doorstep to convince him to rescue the imprisoned agent. Dragged kicking, screaming, and, in some cases, fornicating back into the game, he sets off on a Caribbean adventure that will put him up against a ruthless French arms dealer intent on supplying the weapons for the largest terrorist attack since September eleven."
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2 Topless Agenda Topless Agenda
Written by Lyle Christie
Copyright: 2013

"Tag Finn, an elite CIA operative turned private investigator, just managed to save the former love of his life and thwart an arms deal that would have facilitated the largest terrorist attack since September 11. But, the man behind the arms deal, Adrien Babineux, managed to escape and is on the run in Europe, and the CIA needs Finn to bring him in. What begins as a routine snatch and grab, gets complicated quickly when the arms dealer’s terrorist clients and an unknown black ops team come looking to exact some revenge.
Finn, Babineux, and their small band of compatriots are now on their own as they race across Europe and try to stay one step ahead of their ruthless enemies. They’re out-gunned and out-manned and only have their wits and their will to help them survive, so, buckle up, because this shit is about to get real!"
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3 Gordita Conspiracy Gordita Conspiracy
Written by Lyle Christie
Copyright: 2013

"A powerful secret society called the Topless Agenda knows the truth of what happened on his mission". They know that he had not terminated the Iranian scientist as ordered and that the man "has been living in the United Arab Emirates and recently made a discovery that will solve the world’s energy needs.
"Now, the Topless Agenda wants Finn to bring the man to the west, as he’s the only person in the world who the scientist will trust. Finn takes the job and sets off on a perilous journey across the Middle East, where he must keep his mind sharp and his wits about him as he faces off against dangerous foes and more than a few femme fatales."
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4 Mr. Pickles Mr. Pickles
Written by Lyle Christie
Copyright: 2014

"Tag Finn’s obese feline neighbor, Mr. Pickles, has the inexplicably odd habit of attracting trouble, and Finn, having already had to rescue the portly pet three months earlier, is shocked to discover three armed Chinese men attempting a dastardly catnapping. Thwarting their efforts, he and his neighbor Joyce take the troublesome tub of love to the vet to get him microchipped, and they learn that Pickles already has a chip in his neck. But, it’s not the kind found in pets, and instead, is filled with top secret guidance software originating from a Silicone Valley defense contractor.
Finn sets out to uncover Pickle’s unlikely role in this web of international espionage, and he finds himself embroiled in a deadly game of cat and mouse with a Chinese spy ring and the very beautiful and potentially deadly Cherry Poppins. Utilizing every ounce of his keen mind and unique skills, he faces danger, intrigue, and wild erotic escapades as he unravels the very dramatic tale of Mr. Pickles."
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5 Stripper Boat Stripper Boat
Written by Lyle Christie
Copyright: 2018

"Private investigator Tag Finn, a former special operations soldier and member of the CIA’s Special Activities Division, is out doing a ride along on his friend’s vessel assist boat on the San Francisco Bay when an unusual call comes in that a party boat full of strippers is sinking off of Alcatraz Island. Coming to the rescue of the beleaguered girls, Finn finds out that one of them is none other than Playboy Playmate Fiona Blake—and she has an unusual problem. Her brother has been unjustly arrested on charges of sedition on the exotic Indonesian island of Malkarta, and Finn, always willing to offer a helpful hand to someone in need, sets out to free her brother.
Unfortunately, Malkarta is on the cusp of civil war, and unforeseen events force Finn to go deep into the island’s underbelly, where he finds himself caught between a ruthless monarchy and the deadly rebel factions trying to take it down. Now, Fiona, her brother, and thousands of innocent lives are depending on Finn to save the day, and he finds himself embroiled in a web of danger, deceit, deadly encounters, and more than a few decidedly delicious sexual delicacies."
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6 Poi Predicament Poi Predicament
Written by Lyle Christie
Copyright: 2018

"Tag Finn is in Hawaii to be the best man at the wedding of his good friend John Matheson—who just happens to be the current vice president of the United States and a very likely candidate to become the next president of the United States. It’s all about fun, sun, and two people coming together in holy matrimony until Finn awakens on the day of the wedding to learn that there has been a murder, and the future first lady is the number one suspect.
With only a week, he must unravel the perfect crime and thwart a ruthless group of conspirators if he hopes to save his friend’s marriage and political career. Sex, intrigue, danger, and indeed the potential fate of the United States and the free world are all on the line as Finn does his best to save the date."
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7 Chalupa Conundrum Chalupa Conundrum
Written by Lyle Christie
Copyright: 2019

"Private investigator Tag Finn, a former special operations soldier and member of the CIA’s elite Special Activities Division, is having a nice quiet evening at home until his phone rings, and he answers it to hear the voice of his beloved ex-girlfriend Estelle pleading for his help. She abruptly screams, the line goes dead, and the next morning Finn learns that Estelle and her entire team of UCLA archeologists have gone missing from their dig site at the mysterious Chalupa Ruins in Costa Rica. Due to Finn’s current occupation and unusual background, UCLA’s dean of archeology hires him to oversee the search for the missing team, and he heads down to Central America, where he is joined by beautiful local archeologist Dr. Alessandra Hitzig. Together, they will venture into the primeval jungle to the Chalupa ruins and be caught between myth and reality when they unwittingly face off against a thousand year old ghost king and his army of undead warriors as well as a ruthless billionaire intent on acquiring the land around the site."
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8 Prometheus Protocol Prometheus Protocol
Written by Lyle Christie
Copyright: 2019

"Private investigator Tag Finn, a former special operations soldier and member of the CIA’s elite Special Activities Division, is enjoying a beautiful Sausalito morning until one of Japan’s most powerful businessmen shows up on his doorstep with an unusual problem. It turns out that a ruthless and brutal serial killer has ritualistically murdered three of his senior vice presidents, and now his son is the only remaining target. Finn reluctantly takes the job and travels to Japan to become a stranger in a strange land, where he must race against time as he tries to find the killer before she can strike again."
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For just a hoot of a ride (pick an adventure, any adventure) the stories of Tag Finn are a good choice. Of course you have to be willing to put up with his being a constant hound when it comes to any - repeat, any - attractive female. You know the trope of a dog's attention span and a squirrel? That is Finn and a woman. Fun for the first couple of times but then not so much.

And please explain to me what the fascination with toilet-time? On second thought, don't because Finn has already.

But after those two points are given, wow! Does Finn get involved in some doozies!


My Grade: B


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