chang_sarah_bk_mediterranean chang_sarah_bk_under chang_sarah_bk_mars chang_sarah_bk_heavenly
Full Name: Sarah Chang
Nationality: American
Organization: Unnamed Agency
Occupation Agent

Creator: George Vorre
Time Span: 2024 - 2024


Sarah Chang is an agent with an unnamed American agency.

We never get any inkling as to what part of the Intelligence community the department belongs to; whether it has a name of its own or is just some line item on larger Department's budget. There are a couple of references to her being "a secret service agent" and to the fact that she reported routinely to "the secret service headquarters" but in those instances the "secret service" is all lower-case. We only know that it is run by a very stern, always somber and apparently humorless director named Milo Winters. "His aura, a mix of iron will and unspoken power, filled the space, commanding an air of respect that was palpable" and when he gave his orders to his people, he did so using "words deliberate as lightning strikes".

There is an amazing amount of information about Chang that we are not privy to. I would not hazard any guess as to her ethnicity other than her last name would point to Chinese descent. For a physical description, we are told only that she routines wears her auburn hair cropped short. What her skin color is or what her height is are also never divulged (that I could find). Where she came from and how and why she chose to become an operative are also kept from us.

What we are told on many occasions is that Chang works non-stop during her off-hours to keep her lean athletic build at peak status so that she is ready for any mission at any time, "a testament to her unwavering resolve". As two of her trainers agreed, she was "in a league of her own" always giving 100% and watching her train was "akin to studying the artistry of survival".

"Sarah Chang is a highly skilled secret service agent haunted by a past failure that led to the death of a fellow agent. Her meticulousness, resourcefulness, and relentless dedication to her country make her stand out in her line of work". "She was a maestro of espionage, orchestrating her moves with precision and grace, invisible to all until the final note was played". Furthermore, she was "the embodiment of vigilance, a spear in the hands of her nation, thrust towards the heart of an unseen enemy. Her conviction was unshakable, her purpose clear. As the distance closed between her and her target, there was nothing left to do by succeed." Also, "loyalty to her country anchored her resolve, propelling her through the opulence that cloaked the perilous game of shadows she played".

On the negative side, we learn that "her past experiences make her hesitant to trust others and constantly vigilant" and we do not see her establish or maintain any closeness with another with the exception of a fellow operative named Bianca Clarke. What their relationship is remains unknown but seems close totally professional with no indication they ever meet outside of work. When responding to a request for help, "concern laced Bianca's words, a testament to the bond they shared beyond their badges". Chang comes across as someone who has no desire for or time for a personal life.

Good Lines:
- Rather contradictory instruction from Chang's boss, Milo Winters, to her: "Take all the time you need, Agent Change, but remember time is a luxury we don't have."
- "The game was on, and Agent Sarah Chang was its most cunning player."


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2024
Last Appearance:2024

1 Heavenly Bodies Heavenly Bodies
Written by George Vorre
Copyright: 2024

"High-ranking official Milo Winters assigns Sarah to infiltrate a group of venture capitalists led by Everett Chambers who plan to redirect a platinum-rich asteroid into lower earth orbit."
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2 Mediterranean Holiday Mediterranean Holiday
Written by George Vorre
Copyright: 2024

Intel shows that the Greek island of Mykonos is being used as a staging ground for terrorist activity, Milo Winters orders Sarah Chang to that location to learn more and to stop it.

3 Underwater Underwater
Written by George Vorre
Copyright: 2024

Sarah Chang "is sent on a U.S. attack submarine to detect and neutralize a foreign agent who plans to divert the submarine's weapons against his own country's naval assets to provoke a war."

4 Mars Attack Mars Attack
Written by George Vorre
Copyright: 2024

"As the planet Mars appears to be constructing something in its canals, explosions are detected on its surface. The world watches in awe and fear as it becomes clear that the projectiles are headed towards Earth. The United States government decides to destroy them, despite objections from the United Nations. As the debris enters Earth's atmosphere, microorganisms are detected, raising questions about whether the projectiles were manned and if this was a biological attack or an attempt to colonize Earth. Enter Sarah Chang, a skilled secret service agent tasked with resolving the conflict. With her sharp mind and unwavering determination, Sarah enlists the help of her trusted friend and colleague, Bianca Clarke. Together, they set out to uncover the truth behind the Martian projectiles and their mysterious intentions."
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This series came up with interesting plots - the first one was way, way out there (literally and figuratively) but that did not stop it from being interesting. Unfortunately they came with the same determination to constantly - and I emphatically mean constantly - tell me just how intrepid and resolute and practically fearless Sarah Chang was. Every page, it seemed.

Whenever she entered a room we were told how she immediately checked for escape routes and potential danger zones. This is good tradecraft for an operative but not good storytelling as it got old very quickly.


My Grade: B-


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