fox_tom_bk_moskva fox_tom_bk_arctic fox_tom_bk_nightfall
Full Name: Tom Fox
Nationality: British
Organization: Military Intelligence
Occupation Agent

Creator: Jack Grimwood
Time Span: 2016 - 2023


 Tom Fox is an agent with British Military Intelligence.

Army Intelligence, to be exact, as he holds the rank of Major in the British Army.

When we meet him in the first recorded adventure he has just recently arrived in Moscow and two things become immediately known to us. One, his transfer to that capital city was unexpected by just about everyone there and one that was not appreciated; "only Sir Edward (the ambassador) had been unsurprised and he'd been disapproving without bothering to say why". Two, he was not thrilled with it himself; "he'd been in the Soviet Union for less than a week. It was already too long". As he explains to a Soviet official at a party, said with a touch of humor along with the honesty, he was sent to Russia because "someone thought it would be useful if I was out of the way". He would later admit yet again to himself that he was in Moscow "to keep him out of trouble. How much trouble he was in was being decided back in London".

All this is taking place during a New Years Eve party at the British Embassy in 1985 and Fox is there as required but definitely not pleased to be forced to attend, as it would seem was the case with several other guests. Most interesting (for me) was a very brief exchange between Fox and the Ambassador's disgruntled 16-year-old daughter who, he noticed, had a dull knife wound on her wrist. What was telling about it was Fox's final words as she walked sulking away, "Wrist to elbow. If you're serious."

Fox is separated from his wife, Caro, with the relationship heading quickly to divorce. By apparent joint decision, she did not move to Russia with him and was back in England as was their teen son, Charlie. Now for the most part he slept alone, accompanied only by the terrible nightmares that came to him far too often; dreams of his deployment to Northern Ireland and the terrible things he had seen and at least one that he had done.

Good Lines:
- Said by a Soviet official, "Life is invariably more complicated than one wants".
- Philosophy of an old Russian woman who occasionally passed on info to the police to be left alone, "The secret was to tell them as little as possible and very definitely nothing they needed to know".


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2016
Last Appearance:2023

1 Moskva Moskva
Written by Jack Grimwood
Copyright: 2016

"January, 1986. A week after disgraced Intelligence Officer Tom Fox is stationed to Moscow the British Ambassador's fifteen-year-old daughter goes missing. Fox is ordered to find her, and fast. But the last thing the Soviets want is a foreign agent snooping about on their turf. Not when a killer they can't even acknowledge let alone catch is preparing to kill again . . "
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2 Nightfall Berlin Nightfall Berlin
Written by Jack Grimwood
Copyright: 2018

"In 1986, news that East-West nuclear-arms negotiations are taking place lead many to believe the Cold War may finally be thawing. For British intelligence officer Major Tom Fox, however, it is business as usual. Ordered to arrange the smooth repatriation of a defector, Fox is smuggled into East Berlin. But it soon becomes clear that there is more to this than an old man wishing to return home to die - a fact cruelly confirmed when Fox's mission is fatally compromised. Trapped in East Berlin, hunted by an army of Stasi agents and wanted for murder by those on both sides of the Wall, Fox must somehow elude capture and get out..."
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3 Arctic Sun Arctic Sun
Written by Jack Grimwood
Copyright: 2023

"Kola Peninsula, 1987. High in the Soviet Arctic, a tiny village houses an apocalyptic secret ... When research zoologist Dr Amelia Blackburn ventures north to investigate the ravages of the Chernobyl reactor meltdown, she stumbles on the evidence of another sinister disaster on the Norway-Russia border - one that appears far from innocent. Mother Russia will stop at nothing to prevent this information from being revealed, putting Amelia and her team in grave danger from the moment they leave the site. Major Tom Fox thought he'd put his intelligence career behind him, but wrapped in a custody battle for his young son, Charlie, a request from his high-ranking father-in-law forces his hand. When the reluctant spy reaches Russia, it quickly becomes clear that this is no ordinary mission."
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That near-opening scene in the first adventure, mentioned above, says so very much about Tom Fox. I would not call him totally heartless, of course, as he will show later, but he is prone to speaking his mind and that makes him refreshing. I am not sure I would get on with him in real life but for a fellow to read about and follow, that's enjoyable.

And so are the adventures as a whole. When ever I finish the last book of a series (if I make it that far - which I definitely, absolutely did with this series), I ask myself if I would like more. Yep!


My Grade: A-


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