del_rio_jack_bk_betrayals del_rio_jack_bk_reservations del_rio_jack_bk_trilogy del_rio_jack_bk_endgames
Full Name: Jack Del Rio
Nationality: American
Organization: FBI
Occupation Agent

Creator: Richard Paolinelli
Time Span: 2017 - 2017


Jack Del Rio is an agent with the FBI.

Most of the work we hear that fine law enforcement department engaged in would not qualify for membership in this compendium and that even extends to the first of the three recorded adventures we have of Del Rio. The second and third, however, definitely takes the man from nabbing bank robbers and catching murderers on Native American territories and puts him deeply in the middle of conspiracies against the government of the United States by persons inside and outside the country. Tack on the fact that by the time he was 25, his "aptitude in counter-terrorism was discovered and honed", resulting in his assignment to London to "work with the British Intelligence services and learn all he could from them before coming home to apply it to the Bureau's fight against domestic terror". It was during that period that he was involved in a case which turned violent and deadly and it is enough to say that Del Rio is "a very big reason why there is still a Queen of England today".

Del Rio is a very experienced field agent with a long list of arrests and convictions as well as commendations. As we meet him, he has a few months before returned from that impressive six-year stint in the London branch office and was now working out of the D.C. headquarters though his love of being "out there" doing his job is calling strongly.

Del Rio is decidedly not a suit and tie man, though he will wear them when called for, he far prefers to dress in a white shirt and black jeans. To his close friends, this color scheme matched him attitude towards most things; Del Rio was a "black-and-white kind of person" who "didn't do shades of gray, or shades of any other color for that matter". "It was black and white, right and wrong; no nonsense about it."

"He'd inherited his mother's fair complexion and good looks to go along with his father's athletic build, jet black hair and dark blue eyes. Those eyes had often been described as being as dark as the blue of the upper atmosphere just before the black of space and, when angry, they were just as cold."


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2017
Last Appearance:2017

1 Reservations Reservations
Written by Richard Paolinelli
Copyright: 2017

"Who – or what – is killing members of the Navajo tribe? [The action is] set near Gallup, New Mexico, where the Navajo, Hopi and Zuni reservations lie adjacent. Three tribal leaders have been murdered - murdered in a fashion that suggests the deeds were carried out by COYOTE, a legendary supernatural evil trickster feared by many Native Americans.
The tribal president contacts an old friend in the FBI for assistance in solving the crimes and preventing more murders. Star agent, Jack Del Rio, is dispatched to New Mexico where he finds a situation tangled in political intrigue. Jack must work his way through those issues on his way to solving the mystery. Sparks fly as Navajo police officer Lucy Chee is assigned to assist him in his quest.
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2 Betrayals Betrayals
Written by Richard Paolinelli
Copyright: 2017

"FBI Special Agent Jack Del Rio is still recovering from the dramatic conclusion of the events on the Navajo Nation and quickly finds himself as the only man in America who can stop the strings of assassinations and conspiracies that threaten to topple the entire government administration and bring the United States under the thumb of evil dictatorship. Unable to trust even his closest friends and allies in the Bureau, Jack must first survive multiple attempts on his own life then sort out the evildoers who have wormed their way into top positions and do this in time to save the President of the United States - who may just be one of the conspirers himself."
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3 Endgames Endgames
Written by Richard Paolinelli
Copyright: 2017

Jack Del Rio "has fallen off the grid and is content to let the rest of the world believe him dead. He has taken the name John Rivers and lives a secluded life on the Navajo Reservation. But the shades of his past are not yet done with him yet. Surviving elements of his enemies from London and Washington D.C. want to see him actually filling out a grave and are coming for him. Compounding matters, a newspaper reporter from Phoenix is also on his trail and a former flame is coming from England and is bringing news that will change everything for Del Rio.
A pair of deadly ambushes just outside his new home proves to be the last straw and Del Rio returns to the fight with a vengeance. By the time he is done he will dispatch enemies on U.S. and foreign soil and be named an international terrorist. But even as the world turns against him, Del Rio uncovers one last gasp effort by the conspiracy he has fought for so many years to overthrow the U.S. government."
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3.5 Jack Del Rio: The Complete Trilogy Jack Del Rio: The Complete Trilogy
Written by Richard Paolinelli
Copyright: 2017

A collection of the three adventures listed above: Reservations, Betrayals, and Endgames.
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I really enjoyed the adventures of Jack Del Rio because they were well crafted and very interesting. I super enjoyed the times that Del Rio spends on the Navaho Reservation and would welcome more things taking place there.

The rich traditions of that proud Nation is something I knew sadly too little about so any chance to learn more was appreciated, especially when told in an environment where the characters - and the reader - was just recovering from something exciting and deadly happening ... or just before the next hairy situation made itself known.


My Grade: B+


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