fleming_bob_mv_killers fleming_bob_mv_ring fleming_bob_mv_fireball fleming_bob_mv_fury
Full Name: Bob Fleming
Nationality: American
Organization: CIA
Occupation Agent

Creator: Ernesto Gastaldi
Time Span: 1965 - 1966


Bob Fleming is an agent with the CIA.

When we meet him, in a promo for his first recorded adventure, we are told that "he's the action man. All kinds of action [picture here a gorgeous red-haired woman being loved by Fleming]. A go-er. Secret Agent Fireball!" That is how the trailer for it starts. It then takes a bit of a downturn when we find his Director admonish him with "don't you dare come back if you let those Russians get their hands on that microfilm." To accomplish this, he is "given a free hand ... and a license to kill!" "His territory - Paris, London, Hamburg, Beirut. The world's capitals of intrigue where the cheapest thing is life." It goes on to tell us "Here attractive women woo wanted men into death traps and then find themselves victims of counterespionage" [it does not go well for the poor woman]. And, "he goes where the action's the hottest!!"

At some times (mostly on posters for the adventures in the various languages in which it was dubbed) he has the designation of Secret Agent 077 but at others he is designated X-177. The reason for the difference is not unknown but I would feel more confident looking up X-177 in the CIA dossier files than the other.

Fleming is a tall, suave, always calm and cool individual who has a ready smile for a lovely lady and a closed fist for annoying henchmen. He appears to be in his very late 20s or early 30s in the adventures we have of him, short light brown hair atop a handsome clean-shaven face. As mentioned above he has permission to use deadly force while out in the field and he is more than willing to do so but seems to prefer to use tact - unfortunately those henchmen he invariably encounters have a predilection for violence.


Number of Movies:4
First Appearance:1965
Last Appearance:1966

I have four movies listed here although only two are definitely, absolutely about a CIA agent named Bob Fleming, both of these written by the man I credit with creating the series, screenwriter Ernesto Gastaldi.

The third one is written by Gastaldi as well and has the same look and feel (IMHO) but a different actor played the CIA agent and that agent's name was Bob Dixon in one country and Joe Fleming in another, or so I believe. Still, the similarity is enough to make me include it in the series.

The fourth one is yet again written by Gastaldi and has the original actor, Richard Harrison, back in the starring role but though the feel is again the same, here the character is an investigator, not a secret agent, and his name is Fred Lester - at least in the version I found (who knows what he was called in other countries with other dubbings).

1 Secret Agent Fireball Secret Agent Fireball
Director: Luciano Martino
Writer: Ernesto Gastaldi
Actors: Richard Harrison as Bob Fleming, Dominique Boschero as Liz Grune, Wandisa Guida as Elena, Luciano Pigozzi as Yuri
Released: 1965

"An American CIA agent must find the whereabouts of valuable microfilm that was smuggled over by two Russian scientists who had been hoping to defect."

2 Killers Are Challenged Killers Are Challenged
aka Mission Casablanca
Director: Antonia Margheriti
Writer: Ernesto Gastaldi
Actors: Richard Harrison as Bob Fleming, Susa Andersen as Velka, Wandisa Guida as Terry Coleman, Jaine Reynaud as Halima
Released: 1966

"A secret agent pretends to be a scientist who is developing an alternative source of energy less risky, but more powerful than atomic energy. and thus he becomes the target of mysterious killers who already murdered two scientists."

3 Fury In Marrakesh Fury In Marrakesh
aka Joe Fleming Settles The Score
Directors: Luciano Martino, Mino Loy
Writer: Ernesto Gastaldi
Actors: Stephen Forsyth as Joe Fleming / Bob Dixon, Dominique Boschero as Monique, Mitsouko as Chinese Secret Agent, Cristina Gaioni as Greta
Released: 1966

"An underground organization discovers a hidden treasure on Hitler's orders during World War II. Secret agents of the powers are launched in search of him and the United States and England team safeguard the loot."

4 Ring Around The World Ring Around The World
Directors: Georges Combret, Luigi Scattini
Writer: Ernesto Gastaldi
Actors: Richard Harrison as Fred Lester, Helene Chanel as Mary Brightford, Giacomo Rossi Stuart as The Killer, Dominique Boschero as Yo-Yo
Released: 1966

"Investigator Fred Lester uncovers a killer using an air pistol firing chemical bullets in the swinging '60s spy thriller RING AROUND THE WORLD, a globe-hopping escapade featuring a plane-and-parachute stunt later repeated in the James Bond film Moonraker."


I came to this series after having watched a couple of other Eurospy adventures about a different character and I have to admit I was expecting Fleming to act like that other chap and when he didn't I was confused. For a bit.

Then I had to think which of these two, Fleming or the other, Dick Malloy, and just like when asked if I wanted cake or pie, I opted for a bit of both.

Fleming is definitely a man of action when he needs to be but he is rather cool about it. Think before you fight. And then fight really hard.


My Grade: C+


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