Furball is an agent with MEOW-6.
I have not learned what that name of that organization stands for, if anything other than being a play on MI6. The mission it has is to "fight baddies". Noble endeavor. We could use more of that.
More specifically, the agents of MEOW-6 are dedicated to fighting the evil organization "KLAWZ" - again the meaning of that acronym (if it is one) is unknown to me but it sounds very dangerous!
Oh, I have listed Furball as being Australian. My only reason for that is the chronicler is from there. Other than that, who knows!
We are told in a blurb about this series that it is "Garfield meets James Bond". That is a bit hard to grasp, especially looking at a picture of the anthropomorphized fellow. Yes, he is dressed in a tux but the suit is green - I cannot imagine Bond wearing a green tuxedo (granted, Furball himself appears to be purple so maybe color crimes can be excused). And Furball is, well, let's be kind and just imply that he is fitness-challenged. Okay, the fellow be chubby! Which does make him far closer to Garfield than Bond. This odd pair, though, is made to sound correct with the added line that "Furball is the world's greatest spy! But he'd rather spend his time napping or snacking". To be fair, the chap does tell us in the first recorded adventure that he has a "license to chill" - I need one of those!
Furball has the aid in his missions of two younger cat spies named Jafr and Kit. The three are all referred to as "super spies" though that indicates they are really good at their work, not that they possess super powers, unless taking a power nap can be called one. Jade is one very ambitious and daring (Kit seems to think of her are crazy) operative. Kit is way more tranquil.
One of the baddies belonging to KLAWZ that Furball and team go up against is Grandma Gassy-Pants. Looking at a picture of her and considering her name, I would not want to tick her off. Furball is not so adverse.