merrick_jonas_nv_eternalflame merrick_jonas_bk_inatthekill merrick_jonas_bk_crocodile merrick_jonas_bk_bestrevenge merrick_jonas_bk_footsoldiers
Full Name: Jonas Merrick
Nationality: British
Organization: MI5
Occupation Agent

Creator: Gerald Seymour
Time Span: 2018 - 2024


Jonas Merrick is an agent with MI5.

We are told one huge factor about Merrick when we learn that "In the office ... where he works, they call Jonas Merrick 'the eternal flame'". It isn't a compliment; it's the exact opposite. According to everyone who knows him, "he never goes out. He never goes undercover, never does surveillance, never goes with the teams that kick down the doors or seize the suspects off the street. He commutes into work and sits at his desk and then he goes home." That is apparently on the negative side.

However, more positively is "But he has qualities the hot-shots fail to notice - a steely concentration, a ruthless ability to focus and find the enemy hiding in plain sight". One more good-v-bad comment is "Jonas's colleagues regard him as scratchy, fastidious, old, he is also ruthless, cunning and brutally pragmatic". Those who are closest to him at MI6 "considered [him] a long redundant encyclopaedia of names and faces", redundant because all that information is nicely encoded into the computers so knowing them in one's head is a waste of effort.

Other not very nice opinions of Merrick held by his colleagues, most of whom are far younger than he, include "just so boring and never achieves anything" and "there's a war out there and he's the only passenger in A4 (his division) who doesn't know what the front line looks like or feels like". 

None of this comes a surprise to Merrick. When we meet him for the first time, he is ducking out on his own retirement party, at least for a time, "before he was expected for the humiliation and the chuckling, and the insincerity of it".  "He had been in A4 for 35 years, a dinosaur. Knew the targets and the addresses that the surveillance people tracked, just did not do the tracking himself, and his stomach bulged and he felt rheumatism in his knees and hips. He took little exercise, only the walk from home to the station, and from the London terminus to Thames House, and the daily reverse."

As derogatory as a lot of the above seems, this is the same Merrick who, while fleeing temporarily his own going-away party at Thames House, encounters a recently converted home-grown Islamic suicide bomber and talks the young lad out of blowing them and others up and removes the explosive vest. All the while reminding himself how his loved wife Vera was honest enough with him to comment, "you're not, never have been, won't ever be, a team player, and you're never in before dawn in crisis time, and you catch the 5.49 back regardless of whether the ceiling is collapsing on the streets of London. You don't give enough back." He does not argue.

And yet ... we will follow Merrick, this "eternal flame", on several very exciting adventures which would surprise those naysayers - and him.


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:2021
Last Appearance:2024

1 The Crocodile Hunter The Crocodile Hunter
Written by Gerald Seymour
Copyright: 2021

"Hearing of a British Jihadi returning from Syria with murderous plans, Jonas sends out for a telling photograph - a crocodile, almost submerged, just its eyes above water as it waits for unsuspecting prey to drink at the riverbank. Coming ashore near Dover, Cameron Jilkes is a young man from a broken home and a failed education, trained in the harshest theatre of war, driven to rage by loss and pain. And this time, 'the eternal flame' must go out - to hunt the crocodile himself."
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2 The Foot Soldiers The Foot Soldiers
Written by Gerald Seymour
Copyright: 2022

Defectors are not always welcome. Is the information they bring worth the cost of protecting them for the rest of their lives? Is it even genuine? Might they be double agents? These are some of the questions facing MI6 when a Russian agent hands himself in to them in Denmark.
As a team begins to assess his value, his former employers in the Kremlin develop a brutal plan to show that no defector will ever be safe. And they know where to find him. Which means there must be a mole in MI6. So it is that the cavaliers of Six find themselves being interrogated by nondescript Jonas Merrick of Five - the man called back from retirement and his beloved caravan, the man the young guns call the Eternal Flame because 'he never goes out.' "
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3 In at the Kill In at the Kill
Written by Gerald Seymour
Copyright: 2023

In Liverpool, "a suburban crime family grips a whole city with fear. 
And their ambition reaches further still. Galicia: an entire community waits on the windswept edge of Europe for the delivery of four tonnes of cocaine, brought across the ocean in an almost unbelievable craft."
In London, "London: Jonas Merrick, grey and quiet, alone in a small office, seems an unlikely character to be tasked with bringing down an international drug network."
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4 The Best Revenge The Best Revenge
Written by Gerald Seymour
Copyright: 2024

"On the Mongolian steppes a general in the People's Liberation Army stakes his career, and his life, on a GPS-free missile guidance system that will change the balance of power on the battlefield. In Bath a young Chinese woman has secured the affections of a young brainiac working on that very problem. In Leamington Spa a deep cover operative has given himself away. And in London Jonas Merrick watches all, assessing, planning. A moment, perhaps, for him to strike a blow to China's espionage network in the UK.
One thing he does not see, however, is in Moscow. An order given: 'bring me his head'."

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Number of Stories:1
First Appearance:2018
Last Appearance:2018

1 The Eternal Flame The Eternal Flame
Written by Gerald Seymour
Copyright: 2018

A prequel to the four full-length adventures.
"Jonas Merrick was on the edge of retirement. Having escaped his own insincere retirement party and taken refuge on a bench within the grounds of Thames House, he finds himself sitting next to Winston Gunn, a young man drawn into the Jihadi activist net while serving 18 months imprisonment. A young man packed tightly with explosives ready for detonation...."


I became a fan of the author Gerald Seymour back in the late 70s when I read his first novel, the terrifically crafted and exceptionally suspenseful Harry's Game. I was sad that we never had any more adventures with that main character, Harry Brown, but on occasion over the years I would pick up another Seymour-penned book and enjoy it. After all these years, though, I never expected a series by him to come to pass.

As the author reached the age of 80, he gave me (okay, us) one in the fascinating Jonas Merrick. What a fascinating character. Such a change of pace from so many series where the main character is a vibrant, macho man of action who is constantly chafing at the bit to get out there and do something. Merrick, not so much!! And yet he holds my attention so very well.

Thank you, Mr. Seymour, for giving us someone like Jonas Merrick.

And thank for you just shy of a half century of terrific writing.


My Grade: A


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