jaguar_bond_cb_v3_09a_196811 jaguar_bond_cb_v3_03_196802 jaguar_bond_cb_v4_06_197003 jaguar_bond_cb_v7_02_197303 jaguar_bond_cb_v4_03_196908 jaguar_bond_cb_v4_01_196905 jaguar_bond_cb_v4_11_197012 jaguar_bond_cb_v7_05_197307 jaguar_bond_cb_v3_04_196803 jaguar_bond_cb_v4_07_197005 jaguar_bond_cb_v3_01_196711 jaguar_bond_cb_v3_05_196804 jaguar_bond_cb_v4_08_197006 jaguar_bond_cb_v8_05_197404 jaguar_bond_cb_v8_02_197311 jaguar_bond_cb_v6_09_197212 jaguar_bond_cb_v6_03_197203 jaguar_bond_cb_v6_06_197208 jaguar_bond_cb_v9_01_197407 jaguar_bond_cb_v1_06_196511 jaguar_bond_cb_v2_12_196710 jaguar_bond_cb_v6_05_197206 jaguar_bond_cb_v4_10_197010 jaguar_bond_cb_v3_12_196903 jaguar_bond_cb_v9_06_197504
Full Name: Jaguar Bond
Codename: Agent 0069
Nationality: British
Organization: O.R.G.I.E.S.
Occupation Agent

Creator: Bob Powell
Time Span: 1965 - 1975


Jaguar Bond is an agent with O.R.G.I.E.S.

That acronym stands for Organization Refreshing Girls' Inner Ecstasies, which for goofy breakdowns of the letters in sexually implicating words is not as bad as some we have seen. Now how that name transfers to a government (exactly whose, we do not know but I have listed as American) department going out after internationally operating criminal and terrorist groups is something never explained. My guess is we are never expected to ask.

ORGIES is commanded by Commissioner M&M, a silver-fox (figuratively this time) of a handsome older man with an impressive mustache. This leader and Bond get along famously with each other. He has a gorgeous blonde, incredibly well-endowed young woman secretary named Miss Knoxx.

Inside ORGIES Bond has the code designation of Double-Oh-Six-Nine (0069) which we are told gives him "unlimited license for amorous pursuits, anytime anywhere with any girl ... or with any number of girls. This would, in the parlance not uncommon in the mid-60s which is the time frame for his exploits, make him a very horny and active 'cat', all the more fitting because Bond lives up to his first name of 'Jaguar'.

Jaguar Bond is a real jaguar. Well, as real as a jaguar can be when he is anthropomifized into human shape. Jaguar head, complete with really big and sharp teeth which look even bigger and sharper when he get annoyed. Jaguar body although it is usually clad in shirt and slacks and a tan trenchcoat with its collar upturned. Jaguar forepaws with nasty looking claws although he uses them very much like fingers with opposable thumbs. Jaguar hind-paws again resembling human digits although apparently always unclad. Long furry jaguar tail.

Beyond that, Bond acts like a normal human - normal if you assume always being incredibly randy and ready to seduce any and all females while constantly imbibing any alcoholic beverage that comes with grasping rang is normal. He especially loves to kiss his enchanted lady friends and watching them put lip-locks on his jaguar-ish mouth is just all sort of no-thanks!.

Bond has some unique abilities which are revealed occasionally (like whenever the plotline needs something new and different to get him out of a situation). One I saw was his "Super-Secret, Devastating Special Kissing Treatment" which can knock out the kissed female(s) leaving them "insensate" while unfortunately also draining him "of soul spirit" [nah, I have no idea either].


Number of Stories:78
First Appearance:1965
Last Appearance:1975

In December 1964, an "American publisher of pulp magazines and comic books" named Myron Fass came out with a line of pin-up girlie magazines, as they were usually called. The most famous, IMHO, was Jaguar. That imprint ran from 1965 to 1978. [Note, I found an image of a similarly named magazine from 1961 but this appears totally unrelated to Fass's version even though it did show on the cover a topless woman from the back.]

It had a somewhat haphazard schedule of releases. Usually it ran every other month but there were instances where monthly with the occasional missed month or two or three. Adding to the confusion, some appear to have ?accidentally? used the previous month's volume and issue numbers. For example, there appear to be two Volume 3 #9, coming out on October and November 1969. Some "volumes" had 6 issues in them while others had 12 (or 8 or 9).

The nature of the content for each issue was pretty similar. Articles all detailing ways to get the female of the species to fall into bed for the reader or to get more appreciative of the reader's prowess there. There were numerous woman who posed for the camera with very little on with breasts mostly revealed but not totally - when the 70s arrived, so did the viewing of nipples. The nether region of the models were still discretely hidden, at least for a long time.

Issue #2 of the first volume had a rip-off of Playboy's awesome Little Annie Fanny entitled, cleverly, Little Fanny Annie. That only lasted one issue.

Issue #3 saw the arrival of the mascot of the magazine, Jaguar Bond, and he would continue to grace the pages of every issue from then until the mid-1975 when he went away for good. 78 issues/adventures of his were printed.

Numerous spots on the web point to the highly skilled and prolific comicbook writer and artist Bob Powell creating these stories which were creative spoofs of the James Bond/Man From U.N.C.L.E. series.

I know that a different writer/artist took over shortly after the series started since Bob Powell passed away in 1967 and the series continued for another 8 years. Who the replacement was or whether it was an assortment of people is unknown. I have read one reviewer online who talks about the quality of both the artwork and the storylines dropping, but since finding copies of most of the issues is either impossible and prohibitively expensive, I have not read them. I give Powell credit up to the end of 1966 but that is just guesswork.

I do know that the small number I have found has the storylines quite silly and still fun, once you get past the adult man-sized anthropomorphized lecherous jaguar having very kinky sex to tons of seductive women who seem determined to bare their assets to him and to us.

1 Eon Fleming Eon Fleming
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1965

Published in Jaguar v1 03, 04/1965.
Agent 0069, Jaguar Bond, is sent undercover to infiltrate a famous men's magazine run by a fellow called "HH" to prove that the man was not an imposter put there by SMERSH.

2 Adv. 02 Adv. 02
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Bob Powell (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1965

Published in Jaguar v1 04, 06/1965.
[plot unknown]

3 Adv. 03 Adv. 03
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Bob Powell (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1965

Published in Jaguar v1 05, 09/1965.
[plot unknown]

4 Adv. 04 Adv. 04
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Bob Powell (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1965

Published in Jaguar v1 06, 11/1965.
[plot unknown]

5 Come Smell My Garbage Come Smell My Garbage
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Bob Powell (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1966

Published in Jaguar v2 01, 01/1966.
The Fuscia Route is the name of a series of garbage collection depots in China where ORGIES agents glean their intelligence from the garbage. It is having trouble keeping their rubber so Jaguar Bond is sent there to learn why.
Click here to read the story.

6 Adv. 06 Adv. 06
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Bob Powell (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1966

Published in Jaguar v2 02, 03/1966.
[plot unknown]

7 Adv. 07 Adv. 07
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Bob Powell (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1966

Published in Jaguar v2 03, 05/1966.
[plot unknown]

8 Adv. 08 Adv. 08
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Bob Powell (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1966

Published in Jaguar v2 04, 07/1966.
[plot unknown]

9 Adv. 09 Adv. 09
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Bob Powell (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1966

Published in Jaguar v2 05, 09/1966.
[plot unknown]

10 Adv. 10 Adv. 10
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Bob Powell (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1966

Published in Jaguar v2 06, 11/1966.
[plot unknown]

11 Adv. 11 Adv. 11
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1967

Published in Jaguar v2 07, 01/1967.
[plot unknown]

12 Adv. 12 Adv. 12
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1967

Published in Jaguar v2 08, 03/1967.
[plot unknown]

13 Adv. 13 Adv. 13
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1967

Published in Jaguar v2 09, 05/1967.
[plot unknown]

14 Adv. 14 Adv. 14
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1967

Published in Jaguar v2 10, 07/1967.
[plot unknown]

15 Adv. 15 Adv. 15
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1967

Published in Jaguar v2 11, 08/1967.
[plot unknown]

16 Adv. 16 Adv. 16
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1967

Published in Jaguar v2 12, 10/1967.
[plot unknown]

17 Adv. 17 Adv. 17
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1967

Published in Jaguar v3 01, 11/1967.
[plot unknown]

18 Adv. 18 Adv. 18
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1967

Published in Jaguar v3 02, 12/1967.
[plot unknown]

19 Adv. 19 Adv. 19
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1968

Published in Jaguar v3 03, 02/1968.
[plot unknown]

20 Adv. 20 Adv. 20
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1968

Published in Jaguar v3 04, 03/1968.
[plot unknown]

21 Adv. 21 Adv. 21
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1968

Published in Jaguar v3 05, 04/1968.
[plot unknown]

22 Adv. 22 Adv. 22
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1968

Published in Jaguar v3 06, 06/1968.
[plot unknown]

23 Adv. 23 Adv. 23
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1968

Published in Jaguar v3 07, 07/1968.
[plot unknown]

24 Adv. 24 Adv. 24
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1968

Published in Jaguar v3 08, 09/1968.
[plot unknown]

25 Adv. 25 Adv. 25
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1968

Published in Jaguar v3 09, 10/1968.
[plot unknown]

26 Adv. 26 Adv. 26
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1968

Published in Jaguar v3 09, 10/1968.
[plot unknown]

27 Adv. 27 Adv. 27
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1969

Published in Jaguar v3 10, 01/1969.
[plot unknown]

28 Adv. 28 Adv. 28
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1969

Published in Jaguar v3 11, 02/1969.
[plot unknown]

29 Adv. 29 Adv. 29
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1969

Published in Jaguar v3 12, 03/1969.
Manned rockets are disappearing at Cape Cockaknock and Jaguar Bond is sent there to learn why. To track them, Jaguar Bond mans the next one and ends up crashing on a small island named Ilaya run by a scantily clad woman named Tittique.
Click here to read the story.

30 Adv. 30 Adv. 30
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1969

Published in Jaguar v4 01, 04/1969.
[plot unknown]

31 Adv. 31 Adv. 31
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1969

Published in Jaguar v4 01, 05/1969.
[plot unknown]

32 Adv. 32 Adv. 32
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1969

Published in Jaguar v4 02, 07/1969.
[plot unknown]

33 Adv. 33 Adv. 33
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1969

Published in Jaguar v4 03, 08/1969.
[plot unknown]

34 Adv. 34 Adv. 34
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1969

Published in Jaguar v4 04, 12/1969.
[plot unknown]

35 Adv. 35 Adv. 35
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1970

Published in Jaguar v4 05, 01/1970.
[plot unknown]

36 Adv. 36 Adv. 36
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1970

Published in Jaguar v4 06, 03/1970.
[plot unknown]

37 Adv. 37 Adv. 37
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1970

Published in Jaguar v4 07, 05/1970.
[plot unknown]

38 Adv. 38 Adv. 38
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1970

Published in Jaguar v4 08, 06/1970.
[plot unknown]

39 Adv. 39 Adv. 39
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1970

Published in Jaguar v4 09, 08/1970.
[plot unknown]

40 Adv. 40 Adv. 40
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1970

Published in Jaguar v4 10, 10/1970.
[plot unknown]

41 Adv. 41 Adv. 41
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1970

Published in Jaguar v4 11, 12/1970.
[plot unknown]

42 Adv. 42 Adv. 42
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1971

Published in Jaguar v4 12, 01/1971.
[plot unknown]

43 Adv. 43 Adv. 43
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1971

Published in Jaguar v5 01, 02/1971.
[plot unknown]

44 Adv. 44 Adv. 44
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1971

Published in Jaguar v5 02, 04/1971.
[plot unknown]

45 Adv. 45 Adv. 45
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1971

Published in Jaguar v5 03, 05/1971.
[plot unknown]

46 Adv. 46 Adv. 46
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1971

Published in Jaguar v5 04, 07/1971.
[plot unknown]

47 Adv. 47 Adv. 47
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1971

Published in Jaguar v5 05, 08/1971.
[plot unknown]

48 Adv. 48 Adv. 48
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1971

Published in Jaguar v5 06, 09/1971.
[plot unknown]

49 Adv. 49 Adv. 49
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1971

Published in Jaguar v5 07, 11/1971.
[plot unknown]

50 Adv. 50 Adv. 50
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1972

Published in Jaguar v6 01, 01/1972.
[plot unknown]

51 Adv. 51 Adv. 51
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1972

Published in Jaguar v6 02, 02/1972.
[plot unknown]

52 Adv. 52 Adv. 52
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1972

Published in Jaguar v6 03, 03/1972.
[plot unknown]

53 Adv. 53 Adv. 53
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1972

Published in Jaguar v6 04, 05/1972.
[plot unknown]

54 Adv. 54 Adv. 54
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1972

Published in Jaguar v6 05, 06/1972.
[plot unknown]

55 Adv. 55 Adv. 55
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1972

Published in Jaguar v6 06, 08/1972.
[plot unknown]

56 Adv. 56 Adv. 56
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1972

Published in Jaguar v6 07, 09/1972.
[plot unknown]

57 Adv. 57 Adv. 57
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1972

Published in Jaguar v6 08, 10/1972.
[plot unknown]

58 Adv. 58 Adv. 58
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1972

Published in Jaguar v6 09, 12/1972.
[plot unknown]

59 Adv. 59 Adv. 59
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1973

Published in Jaguar v7 01, 01/1973.
[plot unknown]

60 Adv. 60 Adv. 60
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1973

Published in Jaguar v7 02, 03/1973.
[plot unknown]

61 Adv. 61 Adv. 61
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1973

Published in Jaguar v7 03, 04/1973.
[plot unknown]

62 Adv. 62 Adv. 62
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1973

Published in Jaguar v7 04, 06/1973.
[plot unknown]

63 Adv. 63 Adv. 63
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1973

Published in Jaguar v7 05, 07/1973.
[plot unknown]

64 Adv. 64 Adv. 64
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1973

Published in Jaguar v7 06, 08/1973.
[plot unknown]

65 Adv. 65 Adv. 65
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1973

Published in Jaguar v8 01, 10/1973.
[plot unknown]

66 Adv. 66 Adv. 66
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1973

Published in Jaguar v8 02, 11/1973.
[plot unknown]

67 Adv. 67 Adv. 67
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1973

Published in Jaguar v8 03, 12/1973.
[plot unknown]

68 Adv. 68 Adv. 68
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1974

Published in Jaguar v8 04, 02/1974.
[plot unknown]

69 Adv. 69 Adv. 69
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1974

Published in Jaguar v8 05, 04/1974.
[plot unknown]

70 Adv. 70 Adv. 70
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1974

Published in Jaguar v8 06, 05/1974.
[plot unknown]

71 Adv. 71 Adv. 71
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1974

Published in Jaguar v9 01, 06/1974.
[plot unknown]

72 Adv. 72 Adv. 72
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1974

Published in Jaguar v9 01, 07/1974.
[plot unknown]

73 Adv. 73 Adv. 73
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1974

Published in Jaguar v9 02, 10/1974.
[plot unknown]

74 Adv. 74 Adv. 74
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1974

Published in Jaguar v9 03, 11/1974.
[plot unknown]

75 Adv. 75 Adv. 75
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1975

Published in Jaguar v9 04, 01/1975.
[plot unknown]

76 Adv. 76 Adv. 76
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1975

Published in Jaguar v9 05, 02/1975.
[plot unknown]

77 Adv. 77 Adv. 77
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1975

Published in Jaguar v9 06, 04/1975.
[plot unknown]

78 Adv. 78 Adv. 78
Published by Jaguar Publications
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1975

Published in Jaguar v9 07, 05/1975.
[plot unknown]


I was amazed at this extremely silly comicbook series while also very pleased with the terrific drawing abilities of its creator, Bob Howard. I was then stunned by how many issues this goofy series actually lasted! I mean, I am certain it ran at least 78 adventures over a few years time. A good number of readers out there must have really enjoyed it for it to have hung around that long. Or Bob Howard had something on some at corporate headquarters.

My collecting compulsion really wants me to find more issues of this. My prurient side has no interest at all. None! Trust me!!!


My Grade: C+


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