The Fifth Column is an evil international covert organization.
"Evil" is my word, not theirs, but it is also the attitude possessed by the three Fifth Column operatives as they flee their own people in order to mount a fight against the group. More on the three in a moment.
We the readers are told enough about the Fifth Column to come to the conclusion that I did when we are told it is "the world's most powerful and secretive organization. They run our militaries. They run our governments. They run our terrorist cells". Further, "the Fifth Column had no flag, no symbol; it was merely a nickname for the dark side of the world's military-industrial complex: the labyrinthine government that managed the real world while maintaining a fantasy world of freedom and democracy."
The trio of soon-to-be former operatives are Sophia, Damien, and Jay. No last names are given (that I could find) and really none are needed.
The leader of this three-team is without a doubt the one female in the mix, Sophia, and she receives the majority of attention because she is the one mostly calling the shots; the other two are loyal to her and follow her in her change of heart from being a Fifth Column operative to taking on that organization in the hopes of bringing it down. In truth, it seems she starts out just wanting away from her bosses but since they go after her with deadly intent, she decides to reciprocate.
"Recruited as a child, Sophia is a deniable operative for the Fifth Column. Like all operatives, Sophia's DNA has been altered to augment her senses and her mind is splintered into programmed subsets". In an informative blurb for the first recorded adventure, we are told "Sophia doesn't exist. Officially. Unofficially, she's an augmented operative for a clandestine agency. She gets the toughest missions and never fails. Until she does. When a mission turns into a disaster, she's never heard from again."
The other two members of the group are:
Damien - described as a "young ... man in his early twenties. He had pale olive skin, dark hair that hadn't been brushed in weeks and a nose slightly too big for his face. He looked like a young, ethnic version of James Dean."
Jay - said to be "Pardo: half Portuguese and half African. At a stretch, he could pass for Arabic, which made him a popular choice for Middle East operations." He seems to be the only one with any sense of humor, much to the annoyance of the others.
Words said above about augmentation are very important to the events of these three. They have each received special training and enhancements that allow them to function considerably better than 'normal' which makes them exceptionally deadly opponents. It also allowed the Fifth Column to maintain control of them ... until it doesn't. The misfirings occur in the opening of the first adventure and we are there to watch them become very confused as to what is going on in their heads and what is real or not. And that is when Sophia begins to see she, and her colleagues, need to get away. It is possible that the three would have just tried to disappear forever if the Fifth Column did not go after them. Bad mistake.