Full Name: Arthur Wallace
Nationality: British
Organization: MI37
Occupation Agent

Creator: Jonathan Wood
Time Span: 2011 - 2016


Arthur Wallace is an agent with MI37.

He will be, soon enough. It will actually happen a bit before that he learns of the existence of MI37. MI5 and MI6, them he had known of all his adult life; pretty much every adult in the U.K. has for decades. MI37, on the other hand, nope! Not a clue. And that is pretty much how the government and the Director of MI37, Felicity Shaw, wants it. If the majority of the people in the country knew of the organization, they would inquire as to why it existed. And when they learned the truth there, well, it would not be good to have an entire populace unable to sleep at night.

And besides, publicity would not do MI37 any good. As Shaw tells Wallace, "We certainly don't advertise our existence the way MI5 and 6 do, but that just means the politics of intimidation are not useful in our arena. It doesn't mean we're not real". As to why this intimidation is ineffective, it is because MI37 operatives are not spies nor do they go hunting other spies. MI37 is "sworn defender of Britain's sovereign borders from threats thaumaturgical, supernatural, extraterrestrial, and generally bats**t weird".

Need examples? How about tentacled horrors from another dimension. Or a zombie T-Rex? Or Russian cyborg wizards. Or space alien spores. Or a demi-god going through puberty. Yep, crazy don't begin to cover it.

Wallace is not an agent when we meet up in the first recorded adventure. He is a detective with the Oxford Police Department, a man who puts his age as just a bit into the second half of his 30s. He is in okay shape, in his opinion, unless there are a lot of stairs to climb, then not so much. He likes his job because he likes solving mysteries and catching bad guys. He does not like his job when those bad guys start trying to kill him. He tells us over and over that he is most definitely no hero.

He also tells us, and shows us repeatedly, that he bases his decisions and actions on a very simple question: What Would Kurt Russell Do? A huge, gigantic, perpetual fan of Russell and every movie he has ever been in, Wallace ponders that WWKRD query every time something serious pops up and since they pop up a lot, he asks it a lot. Much to his regret, though, because, "God, that question gets me in so much bloody trouble".

Helping Wallace out once he is pulled unceremoniously into MI37 is his co-working, Kayla, about whom he says, "her superpowers are only outnumbered by her psychoses". Interesting woman is Kayla.


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:2011
Last Appearance:2016

1 No Hero No Hero
Written by Jonathan Wood
Copyright: 2011

"'What would Kurt Russell do?' Oxford police detective Arthur Wallace asks himself that question a lot. Because Arthur is no hero. He's a good cop, but prefers that action and heroics remain on the screen, safely performed by professionals.
But then, secretive government agency MI12 comes calling, hoping to recruit Arthur in their struggle against the tentacled horrors from another dimension known as the Progeny. But Arthur is NO HERO! Can an everyman stand against sanity-ripping cosmic horrors?"
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2 Yesterday's Hero Yesterday's Hero
Written by Jonathan Wood
Copyright: 2014

"Another day. Another zombie T-Rex to put down. All part of the routine for Arthur Wallace and MI37—the government department devoted to battling threats magical, supernatural, extra-terrestrial, and generally odd.
Except a zombie T-Rex is only the first of his problems... Before Arthur can say, “But didn’t I save the world yesterday?” a new co-director at MI37 is threatening his job, middle-aged Russian cyborg wizards are threatening his life, and his co-workers are threatening his sanity."
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3 Anti-Hero Anti-Hero
Written by Jonathan Wood
Copyright: 2015

"When it rains it pours… monster machines. That attack during a funeral and ruin everyone’s day. MI317—the government department devoted to defending Britain from cosmic horrors—is under siege, so Arthur Wallace and his team must travel to Area 51, ably—and oddly—assisted by Agent Gran. But their travels don’t end there, not when there’s an Arctic town populated entirely by spore zombies and the 2.0 version of Clyde has some funny ideas about how to save the world."
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4 Broken Hero Broken Hero
Written by Jonathan Wood
Copyright: 2016

"How’s a secret agent meant to catch a break? If it’s not a demi-god going through puberty, it’s a renegade Nazi clockwork army going senile. Or a death cult in Nepal. Or a battery-chewing wizard’s relationship problems. Arthur Wallace, agent of MI37—Britain’s agency for dealing with the supernatural, the extraterrestrial, and the generally odd—has to pull everything together, and he has to do it before a magical bomb tears reality apart…"
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It is kind of important when you are facing a zombie T-Rex that you have a sense of humor. Okay, that almost certainly is not true. But reading the adventures that Arthur Wallace has, including going up against such a dinosaur, it is vital you have it. If you do, you will find yourself chortling softly a lot. Occasionally uttering a much louder guffaw. And a bunch of snickers. This is a very funny set of madcap adventure made even more enjoyable by the incredibly dry and wry observations that Wallace will make.


My Grade: B+


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