Charlie Chucky is an agent with the Super Spy Agency.
Apparently that is not the actual name of the government department, and he is not actually an agent though he will become sort of one as the story quickly moves forward. As it begins, though, this auto-introduction is given us:
"My name is Charlie Chucky, and I am in the sixth grade. I am the son of an International Super Spy who works for an agency so secret that even my Dad doesn't know the name of it. My Super Spy Dad has had dinner with the President, talked with aliens from Jupiter, and swapped phone numbers with a very intelligent gorilla. His life is super exciting. My life is not that exciting. I go to school, download computer games, dream about talking to the prettiest girl in the school, Mia, and come home again. I'm not popular-far from it-but I have my best friend, Harley, who I spend a lot of time with."
He goes on to show us an illustration of himself. He is pretty much what you expect a boy 10 or 11 years old to look like; he is skinny and gangly and his head seems a wee bit too big for the rest of him. He has a bushy head of blond hair with an impressive cowlick in the back that he does not bother to deal with. His buddy, Harley, is kind of the exact opposite - shorter and a whole lot wider (big time) - and prone to putting his finger up his nose. As Chucky admits right away, "we are not the coolest kids in school".
When he is not out fighting bad guys, which he isn't when we first meet him, Chucky likes to spend his time playing computer games. Like, more than just about anything. He dreams of being an "International Super spy" some day but does admit that he has this little problem with getting distracted by the weirdest things at the worst-est times.
Now, whether it is Charlie Chucky who came up with the Super Spy Agency name or his dad or someone else, we do not know. We do know that his dad does bring home all the latest equipment those people come up with and they come up with a bunch because "they have the world's best gadget guy developing the world's best inventions". Some are awesome. Some need a bit of work, like that time machine that takes you back 5 seconds. Not that useful. "As soon as we went back in time, we saw ourselves going into the time machine. So we tried again - and then we saw ourselves watching ourselves going into the time machine." And so on.
Chucky gets involved in all sorts of assignments, usually by accident or because he discovered hidden stuff that the bad guys did not want found. And then he has to find a way to fix the problem because Dad is out doing something else but that's okay because Chucky is there.