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Full Name: Ace and One-Eyed Jacquie
Nationality: American
Organization: G.R.A.M.P.A.
Occupation Agent

Creator: Dan Slott, Peter Woods
Time Span: 2006 - 2010


Blackjack is a two-person team of agents with G.R.A.M.P.A.

In fact, this entry in the compendium is really two in that not only does it deal with the two people who make up Blackjack, it also deals in a degree with the organization itself. One of the entries listed below deals solely with places in which GRAMPA is mentioned.

The breakdown of the very odd acronym, seen both with and without the periods in the name, is the "Global Reaction Agency for Mysterious Paranormal Activity". We are told from one of our sources that "little is known of" it other than "it maintains a few field agents all over the world, who occupy themselves with saving the world. The group is known to world governments, but may not be respected: on one occasion, a member of the Japanese SDF regarded two agents of G.R.A.M.P.A. as a deadlier threat that of Terminus himself." This relative anonymity extends to some pretty "in the know" world-savers in the Marvel universe, such as Henry Pym, founding member of the Avengers. Pym had been around the block quite a few times and likely knew of every organization that existed but even he is a bit perplexed when he meets Blackjack and is told he could temporarily work under the GRAMPA umbrella (or perhaps it was just having to be associated with such a name that got to him).

What little we do know of GRAMPA is that it seems to have access to some pretty amazing gadgets and awesome toys though some of them may just be replicas to intimidate opponents - as in, "oh, no! That GRAMPA agent as the Super Such and Such. I'd better just give up now!" Sounds silly but it does to have worked more than once. Then again, the techs at GRAMPA may have figured out how to duplicate awe-inspiring items such as the Cosmic Cube.

Now back to Blackjack.

We get no clue as to how these two members got together or how long they have been around or why one of them goes around with a cowl so as to hide his identity while the other is perfectly willing to let anyone see who she is. In fact, we know very little about either of them except for the fact that they definitely love their work and are good pals.

Ace is the male member of the team and the one that always wears a full head mask, minus gaps for the eyes, nostrils, and the mouth. The forehead of this cowl/mask has a large capital 'A'. In addition to his head gear, Ace is customarily dressed in a gray suit and tie along with his firm-fitting gray gloves. Ace is very capable with the gadgetry he is given and is said to be "an adequate hand-to-hand combatant" and enjoys using small armaments though with GRAMPA, he is often supplied with extra-big weapons.

One-Eyed Jacquie is the female half of the Blackjack team. A very fit, well-endowed physique is shown by her form-fitting costume which looks much like a leather one swimsuit with numerous holes cut in the midriff. She has shoulder-length blonde hair and an eye-patch with a large Ace of Spades as its design. In addition to the arm-length gloves and thigh-high boots, she is always seen with a utility belt with nifty gadgets inside its many pouches.


Number of Stories:4
First Appearance:2006
Last Appearance:2010

1 Heavy On Action, Light On Plot Heavy On Action, Light On Plot
Published by Marvel Comics
Contributors: Dan Slott (writer), Peter Woods (artist)
Copyright: 2006

Printed in Amazing Fantasy #15 in January 2006 with 2 color pages and also known as Case #714.
Blackjack is in London and "on the run from every vampire in London". One-Eyed Jacquie needs instructions from Ace as to how to defeat such creatures. The way that Ace choses is through sunlight and since G.R.A.M.P.A. has its own set of satellites, programming one to use its mirror to reflect sunlight onto their location seems to do the trick, not to mention given them a chance to lay back and catch some rays.

2 The Winning Hand The Winning Hand
Published by Marvel Comics
Contributors: Dan Slott (writer), Peter Woods (artist)
Copyright: 2006

Printed in Amazing Fantasy #15 in January 2006 with 2 color pages and also known as Case #538.
Blackjack is called to Tokyo to bring to an end the terror caused by a giant alien named Terminus. Bringing out the big guns - well, gun - in a replica of the Ultimate Nullifier has Terminus yielding right away.

3 You Say You Want An Evolution? You Say You Want An Evolution?
Published by Marvel Comics
Contributors: Dan Slott (writer), Peter Woods (artist)
Copyright: 2006

Printed in Amazing Fantasy #15 in January 2006 with 2 color pages and also known as Case #803.
The evil scientist calling himself King Sapien has a time machine which can devolve its victims all the way back to primordial ooze. He should have maybe found a way to protect it from Ace's explosive bullets.

4 Happy Ending Happy Ending
Published by Marvel Comics
Contributors: Dan Slott (writer), Peter Woods (artist)
Copyright: 2006

Printed in Amazing Fantasy #15 in January 2006 with 2 color pages and also known as Case #999.
Aliens with the very best intentions have come to Earth bringing gifts that can help bring "an end to war, disease, and famine". Blackjack arrives to totally destroy the Utopia Centers they created because only "through adversity and hardship" can mankind thrive.

5 Chasing Ghosts Chasing Ghosts
Published by Marvel Comics
Contributors: Dan Slott (writer), Rafa Sandoval (pencils), Roger Bonet Martinez (inks), John Rauch (colors), David Lanphear (letters)
Copyright: 2009

Printed in The Mighty Avengers #24 in June 2009.
The Henry Pym led team called the Mighty Avengers are being sent to various troublespots around the globe. One of those jumps take them to Tokyo take on a giant tentacled creature calling itself Titan. There they join up with Blackjack who are already on the case. Since the Mighty Avengers are labeled as criminals in the States (long story), Blackjack deputizes the team to work under the G.R.A.M.P.A. global authority.

6 [GRAMPA Mentions] [GRAMPA Mentions]
Published by Marvel Comics
Contributors: Dan Slott (writer), Rafa Sandoval (pencils), Roger Bonet Martinez (inks), John Rauch (colors), David Lanphear (letters)
Copyright: 2009

Printed in The Mighty Avengers #25, #27-#31, July 2009 - January 2010.
Numerous quick references to GRAMPA are made by new, temporary members, the Mighty Avengers, using GRAMPA authority to combat numerous adversaries. There is no presence of nor mentions of Blackjack.

7 Salvation, Part 1 Salvation, Part 1
Published by Marvel Comics
Contributors: Dan Slott (writer), Rafa Sandoval (pencils), Roger Bonet Martinez (inks), John Rauch (colors), David Lanphear (letters)
Copyright: 2010

Printed in The Mighty Avengers #35 in May 2010.
Blackjack take a trip to the HQ of the Mighty Avengers, the Infinite Mansion, in order to tell its leader, Hank Pym, that he and his fellow teammates would no longer have the authority of GRAMPA backing them.

8 Salvation, Part 2 Salvation, Part 2
Published by Marvel Comics
Contributors: Dan Slott (writer), Rafa Sandoval (pencils), Roger Bonet Martinez (inks), John Rauch (colors), David Lanphear (letters)
Copyright: 2010

Printed in The Mighty Avengers #36 in June 2010.
Blackjack is on hand to see Hank Pym go up against his creation, the evil Ultron. 


Number of Books:1
First Appearance:2010
Last Appearance:2010

1 Avengers Assemble Avengers Assemble
Written by Assorted
Copyright: 2010

A reference comic book containing up-to-that-minute information of the current roster of Avengers and many of their enemies and associates. This includes a page dealing with GRAMPA and its best operative team, Blackjack (Ace and One-Eyed Jacquie).


I was more than a bit stunned when a fellow spy series fan and frequent contributor told me about this team. I had not read an Avengers coming in quite a long time so had missed it when it came and then sort of disappeared for a half decade only to show up and do, well, not much of anything.

Having read the few stories in which Blackjack appears, I still do not know what to make of the pair. They look interesting indeed but have not been given enough presence to really get a feel about. I would love to get more stories with them especially if there are some histories about the pair and how they got together. Not likely to happen, though, since it has been well over a decade since they last heard from.


My Grade: B


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