Jett Baguette is an agent with the TTSA.
Well, not really. His father is an agent. He is the son of an agent but he knows what his dad does and he has visited the headquarters of the TTSA and when weird things start happening around him that he knows needs taken care of and the people at the TTSA, including his father, do not do anything about it so Baguette has to do things himself, well, that kinda sorta makes him an agent, too, right?
Okay, first the TTSA is the Time Traveling Spy Agency. Jett's dad "works as the head Time Spy in the [TTSA]. The agency was developed by people of the past, present, and future to ensure that Time Travelers don't break the rules of time travel. There are very strict rules for traveling through time. If traveling backward in time, then a person must not disturb anything that could alter the fabric of history. Once, Dad went back 4,000 years to collect another leaf for his leaf collection, and he accidently landed the time machine on a unicorn. That's why there aren't any unicorns in the world today."
The TTSA exists because "There was a group of rebel time travelers from the future that continued to travel backward in time, breaking the rules of time travel, and threatening the very existence of reality. It was the agency's job to capture them and lock them away."
Jett wants to be a Time Spy like his father but "to become a Time Spy, a student must complete twenty years of training before the TTSA, that's the Time Traveling Spy Agency, would let you travel forward in time. Twenty years of training! And to go backward in time, a student must complete another ten years of training!" That's a pretty long time and Jett is just now in the 6th grade so it will be a while before he becomes a real agent, like forever! Still, that is his plan for the future (a little time joke there).
Jett's full name is "Jetterson Jeffery John James Joseph Baguette, but most people just called me Jett". He loves sports and adventure and computers and "doing anything that involved throwing things. Even things that shouldn't be thrown. Like pies. I liked throwing pies at people". Not surprisingly, Jett admits he is not popular at all at school. In fact he has only two friends who put up with him and his bad jokes. They are: Tim, who dresses like an old man all the time on purpose!, and Bella, a super-cool girl who knows how to skateboard and surfboard, and all sorts of -board stuff.
Those two friends will help Jett as he tackles some pretty interesting time spy stuff even though he is not really a Time Spy, yet. But he will be! Just give him ... um ... time.