ahan Cross is an agent for the Empire.
By Empire, I, of course, mean the Galactic Empire, created by the evil despot, Palpatine. "After enrolling in the Imperial Academy as a young man, Cross came into the employment of Armand Isard, director of Imperial Intelligence, and undertook delicate missions otherwise unsuitable for the Imperial Army as an 'agent of the Empire'.
According to the entry on Cross in the Wookieepedia, Cross was born in the year 33 BBy on the planet Alderaan. "Jahan Cross lived on the galactic capital Coruscant with his family during the Clone Wars, serving under the Galactic Republic. His father Davim's position in the Republic Diplomatic Corps provided a comfortable lifestyle, though this did nothing to shield Cross from the corruption evident in the Galactic Senate. He was present when the Confederacy of Independent Systems attacked Coruscant. An explosion from the attack knocked Cross unconscious and killed his mother instantly. He awoke later to see his younger sister, Jens, being hauled into the lower levels of Coruscant by the dwellers of the area who had come to the surface to use the confusion of the battle to pillage and loot. Cross followed them deep into the bowels of Coruscant, where he killed his first sentient but was several hours too late to save his sister."
Cross is described as "a man of honor and justice, dedicated to his job and proud to serve the Empire. He was also accepting of aliens and droids, so much so that he held a great amount of respect for aliens who worked for the Empire. He was also a man haunted by his past." His attitude towards droids is reflected by the fact that he has a partner/companion in the droid IN-GA 44 which was created by the genius inventor Alessi Quon who also was responsible for most of the neat gadgets he has at his disposal.
Being very well-trained in combat, either with weapons or hand-to-hand, Cross prefers to use his skills as a surreptitious operatives, watching and studying and resorting to physical antagonisms only when being subtle is not working. Intelligently, when Cross finds fighting is inevitable, he is decisive and deadly.