max_n_olivia_bk_stmary max_n_olivia_bk_overeighty max_n_olivia_bk_snowflake max_n_olivia_bk_claudia max_n_olivia_bk_origami max_n_olivia_bk_underpants
Full Name: Max and Olivia Breeze
Nationality: British
Organization: MI6
Occupation Agent

Creator: Mark A. Biggs
Time Span: 2016 - 2021


Max and Olivia Freeze are former agents of MI6.

By former, I definitely mean 'was' as in the past, long ago. They each became operatives around the same time;  the Second World War was raging and England needed intrepid people of both sexes to go behind enemy lines to help defeat the Nazis and both Max and Olivia, not yet a couple, volunteered. Thrown together by the dangers they each faced, they fell in love and went on to be married. With the ending of the conflict but the beginning of the Cold War, both remained active in the intelligence work although on more of a part-time, as-needed basis. When not on active mission, Max and Olivia maintained a cover identity as a vicar and his young wife.

Over the many years that are mentioned only briefly, the two produced two children and enjoyed a very pleasant life of ministering to their flock of congregants except when the Government called and they were pulled away to take part in very exciting missions. Eventually old age would come knocking and as both reach their 80th birthdays, having spend 60 of those as a couple, they had long since retired from both the ministry and the Ministry. When an unfortunate incident with their motorbike-and-sidecar brought unwanted attention of the authorities, each of their children offered to take them in but both Max and Olivia had no desire to be 'looked after' by their children and having a fair amount of money put aside (it seems working part-time for MI6 can be profitable), they entered a retirement home.

That is where we find both of them, happy but frankly more than a little restless after so many, many years of action and excitement. They had, regretfully, transitioned "from being eighty-five-years-young to eighty-seven-years-old". They would certainly have remained in the facility until their final breaths were it not for something they read in the newspaper. That something will bring them out of retirement, in their opinion, and back into action.

The action in question will pit them against an extremely resourceful and ever so deadly foreign agent by the name of Claudia. Her part in the various adventures - really one long adventure with numerous side trips - will be so important she almost earned the right to be in the name of the series. Claudia is definitely not the same age as Max and Olivia, being considerably younger and far more energetic. She is as interesting as she is resourceful - and she is very resourceful. [She gets her own series later]


Number of Books:6
First Appearance:2016
Last Appearance:2021

1 Operation Underpants Operation Underpants
Written by Mark A. Biggs
Copyright: 2016

"Now 87 years of age and confined to a nursing home in Australia they are called back into action after finding a hidden message in a funeral notice for Claude Duval.
Somehow they must escape from the home and travel to the United Kingdom and retrieve the Janus Machine hidden in the dying days of the war.
Although pursued by the police and those determined to stop them, the fate of London and much of the world hangs in the balance - they must succeed."
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2 Claudia: Operation Chaos Claudia: Operation Chaos
Written by Mark A. Biggs
Copyright: 2017

"Claudia is an uplifting story full of danger, fear, good vs evil, never being too old, never giving up hope, and having ultimate faith in each other.
Feared assassin Claudia doesn't kill Max but takes him with her - putting her at war with herself and a past she hoped to forget.
Meanwhile, Olivia must escape the watchful eye of MI6 and track her beloved husband Max across Europe, leaving in her wake a delicious trail of chaos."
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3 Operation OBE: Over Bloody Eighty Operation OBE: Over Bloody Eighty
Written by Mark A. Biggs
Copyright: 2018

"Eccentric Max and his wife Olivia, our 87-year-old spies, face their greatest challenge. Living out their days on board the Queen Mary 2, they are suddenly dragged back into the world of international espionage and an undeclared war with Russia."
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4 St. Mary's Dating Agency St. Mary's Dating Agency
Written by Mark A. Biggs
Copyright: 2020

"St Mary's Pi-Ski, with its ageing and declining congregation, enters the game of online romance to save the church. John Moss, photographing himself in exotic locations for his romance profile, collides with Lucy, aka Claudia, a beautiful spy in possession of an item sought by ruthless Chinese agents. John becomes an unwitting mule, drawn into a dangerous game of espionage masquerading as love.:
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5 Operation Origami: The Ire of Claudia Operation Origami: The Ire of Claudia
Written by Mark A. Biggs
Copyright: 2020

"John Moss was the victim of the charms of Claudia, a British Secret Service Agent. His mission? To carry a national secret stolen from the Chinese government into the United Kingdom. Claudia planned to leave him high and dry once she retrieved the Quantum Cube. Falling in love was never part of her plan. The explosion in which he died wasn't part of her plan either. Concern is growing that Claudia's desire for personal vengeance will ignite a war between both the Chinese and the British intelligence sectors."
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6 Operation Snowflake Operation Snowflake
Written by Mark A. Biggs
Copyright: 2021

"Operation Snowflake brings an end to the delightful six-part Max and Olivia series. In this story, Olivia and Max must prevent the forced rendition of Samantha, her eight-year-old daughter Molly and Snowflake the cat, from Britain to Beijing. Tensions between the United Kingdom and China run high as a British aircraft carrier strike group prepares to sail through the South China Sea, and Britain and America announce a historic nuclear submarine deal with Australia."
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Okay, I admit that when I read the title of the first adventure, Operation Underpants, I was both very curious and highly dubious. My curiosity was quickly quenched, pleasantly so, and my doubt was alleviated.

The title of the third book was also interesting although is a different way. OBE stands in this case for Over Bloody Eighty. Darn straight!

I like to try to identify with the main characters in a series. Usually nowadays it is in the form of 'remembering' what it was like to be 30, 40, or more years younger than I am and imagining myself in the character's plight. In this series, though, it is putting myself a decade ahead - okay nowadays that ain't so hard. It is a wonderful change.


My Grade: B


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